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Please tell me if he's interested...

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To make a long story short---a guy and I really clicked after becoming great friends. Then, out of nowhere, he started going out with this other girl and raved about how great she was continually. This hurt obviously. Then, they broke up and he made it a point to tell me how much he likes this other girl now. We definitely had a connection prior to all of this, but now we have drifted apart. Despite this, he still makes it a point to tell me how much he likes all these other girls at the most random times---when I don't even ask him anything about it. He looks at me differently sometimes, and when we do talk, we have the best time ever. Is he trying to get a reaction out of me because he still likes me? I need to know so that I could either get over him or make something that could be really great a reality. PLEASE HELP ME. Why does he keep telling me he likes EVERYONE ELSE, but me?

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Hiya Juicyfruit!,


What exactly does "a guy and I really clicked after becoming great friends" mean exactly?. That seems to imply you were really great friends then something romantic happened between you, taking it to the next level. But, that can't obviously be the case if he's dating other girls.


Could you please elaborate more on what the dynamics of your relationship was before he started dating other girls

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Hey Juicy fruit,


Welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for posting your questions on here. I am sorry to hear that things don't go the way you have them planned.


My suggestion to you is that you jokingly tell him, that you are being jealous and then see how he reacts. No matter how he reacts, you might even tell him that you're sort of serious and then start to talk to him about how you feel over him. If you need to built more rapport first, make him some compliments and talk a little more about his interests.


I hope that this helped you on your way and I wish you good luck with this.


~ SwingFox ~

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