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Darkness now rules this valley

It creeps by every door

Taps at every window

It always looks for more

More people to make suffer

More sorrow on which to feed

More tears to grow it's powers

Nothing here is ever free

For the darkness has our powers

We gave them all away

We thought it would protect us

At least that's what it said

But what ever it was designed for

Sure doesn't matter anymore

Because the darkness has our powers

And it rules from on the hill...



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It's really good. If I may make some suggestions, you can tighten it a little by taking "It" out of "It taps" in the second line. Also, you should change "sorry" to "sorrow." That's an amazing line, it says so much. With that line, you can do away with the "tears to make grow" line since it's a repetition of the previous line. You also might want to break the poem into triplets, but it also works as one continuous flow of thought. All in all, it's a great poem. You convey your feelings clearly and concisely, I look forward to reading more of your work. Hope my suggestions help some.

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Cheers for pinting that mistake out frodo, it should have been sorrow anyway!


I have taken your advice about removing one of the it's also


Can anyone guess what the poem is about?


Yes QT, I wrote it-that's why it has loads of mistakes

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