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thoughts of a half-cooked dog

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i am your own body

cut me open let me live

dissection in the name of science

for your own missgivings


take this sorrow place it

somewhere on a rack

with my beating heart still bleeding

stainless steel cold envelopes the room


take home to me your paper bag

so i can drink until the world is safe again

medications headaches splinterings

vomit flowing through scum teeth


the harder now my veins are forming

lock me up so i don't have to see the daylight

i'll sit and fester in someone else's coffin

as the cockroaches crawl through my legs


you think i'm safe when i'm finally dead?

no! even then they come to cut me open

to rape my battered corpse

cremate me

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i listened to cannibal corpse one time....and from that small uninformed glimpse i decided that i don't like em, sorry. maybe i'd like the lyrics, but honestly they sing so damn fast i couldn't understand what they were singin'. i'll say one thing, though- they've got endurance. but, no, i don't, this is uninfluenced by anything except my own mind. (scary, huh?)

sorry if it's a bit of a shOCK for some people to read something like that, buuutttt... break out of your shells! damn your fauvist puppy dogs and sailboats..... urban decay!!!!!

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