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I never heard of any harms on the male sexual drive directly caused by excessive masturbation.


The problem begins when you can't voluntarily avoid masturbation. Masturbation causes addiction, but some are more addicted than other.


If you do it because you just have too much free time, it's okay, it won't affect your sperm count. But if you need to stop your work to do it, than it can be harmful. Not physically, but mentally.

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I just have to say what Eh? I'm a Canadian said, nearly made me fall out of my chair. heh.


I haven't heard of any negative side affects other then that.. if you masturbate a whole lot when you start actually having sex your body may enjoy masturbating more and not respond to sex as well. Weather on that is true, I have no idea.. but .. I wouldn't worry about that too much.



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The problem begins when you can't voluntarily avoid masturbation. Masturbation causes addiction, but some are more addicted than other.


Umm, first I've heard abut this. What is the source of this information?


Does this mean to say there are people out there who involuntarily masturbate? I suppose in extreme cases, but I'd very highly doubt it was brought on just due to masturbating.


Nor have I heard a blanket statement that masturbation causes addiction. I assume you mean to say that once you start masturbating, it becomes addictive. I would argue against that. Yes, it can become desirable, but as one that partakes frequently of this activity, I can go weeks without if I'm in a situation where I'm not able to, and there are no side effects.


Also, I find that when I'm in a situation where I get regular sex, I quite often do not have the urge to masturbate. Again, that's unlike a true addiction.


To the original poster, I've never heard any concrete evidence that daily masturbation is bad in any way. In fact, some males who do not masturbate for whatever reason (holding off, faith related) will likely find they have nocturnal emissions (ie wet dreams) as the body will employ a built in mechanism to keep things working. Yes, it's part of the male anatomy to ejaculate once in a while.


Not sure about increasing sperm count, certainly it won't hurt it. As for the amount of ejaculate, that's totally different than sperm count, and there are various factors that will affect it.

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The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved in something.



Does this mean to say there are people out there who involuntarily masturbate? I suppose in extreme cases, but I'd very highly doubt it was brought on just due to masturbating.

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I'm no expert here, all I know is what I read from a lot of places. Well it's not "involuntary masturbation" it's "compulsive masturbation". Evidently it happens just in extreme cases, and sometimes there's some mental or emotional problems behind it.


It's part of the male anatomy to ejaculate once in a while.

Yes, you're right. Men have to ejaculate in order to keep their reproductive system working, that's what nocturnal ejaculations are there for, but let's keep this real: you can't use this need as an excuse for excessive masturbation. I too don't know of any scientific proof that masturbating 730 times in a year is harmful for the human body. But a higher number than that would probably mean that you're addicted to sex and it is probably affecting your life.


I just would like you all to get the idea that sex, which includes masturbation, can be addictive. Make sure it doesn't influence your social life and you'll be fine. I'm not unsuccessfully trying to scare anybody.


link removed - Sex Addicts Anonymous

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When I come accross a site that as a "shopping" section, I don't believe in everything that it says. But let me pick one of the texts.


Frequent masturbation and ejaculation stimulate acetylcholine/parasympathetic nervous functions excessively, resulting in the over production of sex hormones and neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin. Abundant and unusually amount of these hormones and neurotransmitters can cause the brain and adrenal glands to perform excessive dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversion and turn the brain and body functions to be extremely sympathetic. In other words, there is a big change of body chemistry when one excessively pratices masturbation.

Although it may seem a contradiction, sexual excitement and erection is of the responsability of the parasympathetic system, while orgasm and ejaculation is of the responsability of the sympathetic system. I don't see any unbalance in this equation, as both systems need to be stimulated during masturbation.


However, over masturbation means over stimulation and counter stimulation of both systems. The problems starts when the hormones and neurotransmitters required for this stimulations have side effects. I compiled at the end some concepts so you can make your own conclusions.


Remember that some of this hormones/neurotransmitters are key elements for correct body function. For example, both serotonin and dopamine are used as a medication for bipolar and ADHD sufferers. It's all right, these hormones/neurotransmitters are cool things, but you can't play too much with them. They are used to balance your body.


So, to answer ReallyConfused's question, I do agree with some stuff on that site. I don't want to know what the hell is the Anal Breathing Technique, but I believe that over masturbation can cause chemical unbalances in the body, organ fatigue and brain failures due to the constant chemical changes.




- the most abundant neurotransmitter in the human body

- is responsible for the transmition of impulses from our nervous system to the muscles

- a shortage of acetylcholine in the brain has been associated with memory loss



- a neurotransmitter related with mood

- shortage of serotonim leads to depression and apathy

- excess of serotonin leads to mania and overreaction



- in the sympathetic system raises heart beat and blood pressure

- is associated with the control of movements, so a shortage of dopamine makes it impossible to carry out smooth movements

- is associated with the brain, as a shortage of dopamine appears to cause loss of attention, concentration and memory



- similar functions to dopamine, except that it doesn't affect the control of movement

- it helps the sympathetic system to react, as it is somewhat responsible for the control and storage of energy



- also known as adrenaline

- acts on the sympathetic system having similar effects to the ones of norepinephrine and dopamine

- it helps in the chemical reactions involved in the transformation of sugar into energy at the muscles

- lack of epinephrine and norepinephrine causes one to feel weak and energyless


Parasympathetic System

it is the division of the autonomic nervous system related with the relaxation of the body, it slows the heart lowers blood pressure, and basically takes most of blood from the muscles to the internal organs which are related with digestion. Its goal is to save and restore energy.


Sympathetic System

it is the division of the autonomic nervous system related with physical activity, it raises the heart beat and blood pressure, and takes blood from the internal organs to the muscles related with visible body movement. Its goal is to keep the body ready for instant action.




But hey let me try to translate that piece of text to see if it helps us:


Over masturbation causes reactiveness/letargy, resulting in the over production of activity stimulators. Abundant and unusual amounts of these stimulators cause the body to produce even more stimulators and make your body become excessively active. In other words, your body goes wild when one over masturbates.


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Yeah, what puma says is true, but in order to get these imbalances, you have to masturbate A LOT. This doesn't happen if you do it once or twice a day, so don't worry. Also, any changes that these make are USUALLY not permanent. Anything could be permanent for certain people. Your body is always fighting to balance itself out. I just saw the words "anal breathing", and decided not to see what that was. I agree with you completely puma, that is possibly the most disgusting sounding thing I have ever heard.

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