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the love of my life


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there was this girl who made my life sooo happy i fell in love with her the first time i sent my eyes on her she was my first true love an i had the best 6 months of my life with her she made me feel happy feel wanted i felt loved for the first time in my life an now snice she left me my life has been a hell whole a swirlin life of depression like i just wanna kill me my self i try an try an try to get her to cum back to me sher says she loves me an still wants to be with me but why doesnt she just cum back to me an make me feel the way i was before before i meet her my life was goin no where she saved me she was like my angel that fell from the skys of heaven an saved me form the life had before she showed me what true love felt like i still love her sooooo much but i just dont know how im gonna live life with out her sum 1 plz help me

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Break ups are always hard. But it gets easier overtime. For now, it's best not to contact her or hang out with her, or even check up on her. I know, it's going to be extremely difficult, but you need to do this if you want to feel better in the long run.


Good luck.

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Trust me, no contact is the best way, when you continue to contact her, it makes you look clingy or needy and that's a huge turn off for women. I was the same way with my first break up, but then I learned its much easy if you have NC.


kudos! sooo much! dont do anything and you dont do anything worng...and you focus on yourself

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Trust me, no contact is the best way, when you continue to contact her, it makes you look clingy or needy and that's a huge turn off for women. I was the same way with my first break up, but then I learned its much easy if you have NC.


dude ive broken up with many girls but this one man this she was the love of my life man my very 1st true love i felt it i touched it i breathed i kissed it if u only knew dude what goes threw my head every day man u would understand

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I understand man. I felt this same way when my girlfriend and I broke up for a couple weeks only to realize that the time apart woke her up.


How long have you guys been broken up?


What caused it or why did she leave?


Answer these questions or give us more feedback and then i can try to help you out.

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