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Have Anyone Tried it???

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Im not sure if this is the right place to ask this Question but has anyone tried an Electronic Cigarettes, im very curious how it works. Does it really helps like they say it does? I really wanna try it but i wud like to hear some opinions...

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I quit smoking by using the gum but....I got super addicted to the gum and it was quite a chore to get off it.


Under the heading of weird, I actually liked the nicotine gum BETTER than smoking. I was a pretty heavy smoker but couldn't smoke at work or at home or even in pubs (really strict in this part of the country) so ... only outside....in some mighty nasty weather too sometimes. No fun. The gum you can chew anytime. It gave me a real boost too.

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I quit smoking by using the gum but....I got super addicted to the gum and it was quite a chore to get off it.


Under the heading of weird, I actually liked the nicotine gum BETTER than smoking. I was a pretty heavy smoker but couldn't smoke at work or at home or even in pubs (really strict in this part of the country) so ... only outside....in some mighty nasty weather too sometimes. No fun. The gum you can chew anytime. It gave me a real boost too.


Ya, I was worried about this because you can use it all the time. I still keep it to my breaks only though.

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Ya, I was worried about this because you can use it all the time. I still keep it to my breaks only though.


I chewed constantly - or at least the maximum amount. I tend to be a bit nervous/obsessive fidgety type of person so this was tailor made for my personality.


Sometimes the gum made me sick as well.


So glad I kicked the habit (both habits lol)


Good luck (from someone who's quit a million times too but this time it stuck!!)

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Dang well I did try an E-Cigarette once. It was actually at a Kiosk they were trying to sell me on it. I also did a lot of research on them before I quit smoking. I was thinking it would be a healthier alternative and I was going to switch to it. From everything I've read and people I know who have used them it is not the same thing as smoking but you still get your nicotine.


I guess in the end I decided against it because I was looking at it as a way to quit smoking... and I'm sure it wouldn't have done that. Also a lot of people who switched to them said they actually "smoked" more. Lastly I heard it is still expensive because apparently they break down pretty often.


I just decided to quit and it went much easier than I thought it was going to. Considering I smoked a heck of a lot. If you try them good luck I'm sure its healthier than all the tar you get from cigs.

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Hey there! I have an e-cig that I kind of adore. When I started it, I had been smoking at least a pack of cigarettes a day for the past ten years. Once I got used to the e-cig, I cut down drastically -even quit smoking regular cigarettes for weeks at a time.


Using an e-cig is a lot like getting used to smoking a different brand of cigarettes. The taste is not to your liking entirely at first, but after getting used to it (for, say 1-2 days of regular use) you begin noticing the benefits of vaping over smoking. It's much cleaner, can be used most places a real cigarette can't, and it really does suppress the urge to smoke regular cigarettes because it doses the user with nicotine. My experience has been that vaping allowed me to cut down naturally, since the e-cig is not a stick that burns down and tells you when you're done smoking. It is a device that basically delivers on most of the promises made by smoking cessation products, but can't be marketed that way yet due to the lack of investigation from the FDA (in the US). Altogether tho, I smoke waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less now than I used to, averaging about half a pack a week -100% socially. I probably could quit entirely with just another small push of dedication -I'm actually waiting for my close friends to quit first, ha ha.


Anyway, I definitely recommend the e-cig. Used properly, it can curb the addiction aspect of smoking, allowing you to enjoy smoking regular cigarettes as you once did -every once in awhile. The USB-based one is the best to use since it never runs down on battery power.



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Electronic cigarettes are refillable devices. They come in two parts -the main delivery "stick" which contains an electronic circuit. The purpose of the circuit is to heat up what is contained in the nicotine cartridge, ie the replacable component (the nicotine is vaporized in the device and what you inhale and subsequently exhale is a water vapor containing nicotine). The cartridge is supposed to contain the equivalent nicotine dose of a few packs of cigarettes -each individual dose you get just depends on the amount you inhale (if you over-inhale, you will cough a lot just like you would with a regular cigarette). I've found the claims of the dose contained to be true, at least with the cartridges rated for higher doses. When I vaped regularly before cutting down, I went through about 3 cartridges a week. Now I use the e-cig just a few times a day, one puff at a time, so a cartridge lasts me about 10 days. I'm going to estimate that the amount of money I've saved on smoking, going from a pack-a-day to a pack-every-two weeks habit since christmas is a total of $460 (14 weeks at $5 a pack, minus the $60 I used to buy the device and several cartridges which are still only half used up now).


The best thing for you to do will be to go to a manufacturer's website and read about how it works. Good luck!

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