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don't know what i feel anymore

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hi i am really confused. about 10 months ago i fell i love with a close frind she only liked me as a frind so i went through pain and depresion till she finally got a b/f about a month ago. it hurt me soo much but we still wanted to be frinds so i decided enough was enoguh and one day it just clicked and i was over her. so about a week ago all of our feinds had a day out she was thewre without her b/f. we had a great day and me and her kind of flirted with each other. so we went o this park her b/f was there she went over her a in then came back then she had a bad acident but he just laughed at her and didnt come over so i sat with her for a bit because she was real upset. at the end when everyone had gone he came over and didnt say much to each other he just kind of walked off. he was really upset so she asked me for a hug. i held her in my arms and all my feelings just came rushing back to me. then at school i saw them talking which really hurt and is something which never used to phase me. so they got back together. but now i am on a school break i havent seen her in a few days and its driving me madi just keep thinking about all the things they could be doing together. so i really dont know what i feel how could i be over her and a stupid hug make everything change.

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Dear Bluey

Hugs are strong emtional links. They tell us we care and are cared for. They involve close bodily contact. Of course it all came rushing back.

Poor you.

However there is light at the end of the tunnel. If you hang in there as her friend the minmum you will have is a great friendship and that is no small thing. If she splits with her, lets face it, rather uncaring boyfriend, you will be there for her. Perhaps things will develop between you then.

You sound like a sweet and caring guy and she would be lucky to have you as would any girl, so keep being the nice guy you are and things will turn out well for you.

With love

Nenez xxx

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