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communication ideas

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My boyfriend is leaving Wednesday and he will be overseas. Neither of us are that familiar with all of the ways to communicate. We plan to write, use messenger, and some phone calls also do you know of any other ways. creativity helps. I do know I have been told there are many ways through the internet. can you inform me of some of the web adresses available. We are willing to try any forms of communication the telephone can get costly. His cellular phone company doesnot carry service over there so we had to let that go and that was our main form of communication when he was in the US and only 2100 miles away.

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THose are good ways to communicate. I don't really know of any others. When my boyfriend was off at school (which I know is completely different) we would email each other every day. It was nice reading what he wrote & writing to him as well. A way you could feel close is by having an online journal thing where you could write about your feelings & other things, then he could read it & stuff. He could also have one too. You didn't say if he would has internet access, so I'm not sure if this is a possibility.

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He will be getting internet access as soon as he is situated on base. He has never been to okinawa so we are not sure if he will be in the barracks as he was her in the states or what. thereforeeee we have to wait til he actually arrives. sucks but we will live. He can check emails at the library on base at first until that gets set up but the time changes because of the international dateline are so long i may be keeping some strange hours. Not to much to ask though. The journal is a great idea though. Even if we kept a written one and mailed it weekly or something. Then we could feel involved in everyday thoughts and happenings. Its a long road ahead but atleast he is here with me now for a few more days. thanks

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If one of you DOES retain a mobile phone, the other can send text messages via the internet. MSN... ICQ... I'm sure there are other ways too. An instant 'I love you'... 'Get your butt on the internet so we can talk!' would be a great way to negotiate the time diffs.

As for phone calls... International phone cards can be considerably cheaper. I'm in Aus. and I can call my friend in America @ 3 cents a minute. There's also a small connection fee (40 cents or something)... not going to break the bank.


Patience and good luck!

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