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am i a total freak or what, kinda odd phobia

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so this is gonna sound really sissy baby to some of you out there but it's okay, im just gonna come out and tell you anyway. so my dog walks in the room and his ear is bleeding and so i go to clean it up and there is this tick on his ear. anyway i flip out and i am trying everything (alcohol, thick stuff, pulling it out) and this butt just wont budge. any way while this attempt to save my dog is going on i am sitting here gagging my butt off and totally about to just freak out. well he still has it we are going to the store to get tick killer stuff, but this whole time i can't touch my dog, or even wanna be around him, i am so freaking out over this, i feel like little ticks are all over me and it wounldn't be a huge shocker now (my dog sleeps by me all the time) well i started to flip about a little tick so bad that i was crying and gagging. is that normal? i still can't touch or be around harley, my freaking feet are up on the desk so he can't lay by me. oh i guess i just wanna know if anyone gets that freaked out over ticks or little stuff like that.



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Lots of people are afraid of ticks. I know that I am, my little brother got lyme disease from a tick when he was younger, and he made it the doctor 2 days before it would have been untreatable. I personally am afraid of eating anything red, because when I was younger, I started eating a piece of pizza, and I had a loose tooth and it came out in the pizza. My mouth started bleeding all over the pizza and I didn't notice until I had almost finished the piece, and someone told me my mouth was bleeding. I freaked out, and have never been the same since.

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its totally normal. im the same way with spiders every time i see a spider i run out of the room its like no big deal but to me im scared to death of spiders. and i remember one time iwoke up and there were spiders on my arm its completely normal. by the way whil i was writing this i took a break and almost killed my dad i moved the car for him and was doing fine then i dont know why but i decided to chase him in the car i wen over the curb and onto the lawn it was hella funny . anyway i just though u could use a laugh why havent you pmed me in a while?

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