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Can this cause an erectile disfunction?

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About 2 months ago I decided to stop masturbating, originally as an innocent challenge to myself, but now it actually means something to me. Anyways, my friend Cody told me that I could get an erectile disfunction from refusing to masturbate when aroused. (For the un-knowing: Erectile disfunction ((in this case)) = Not being able to get an erection.)


...Is this true? Has this ever happened to anybody? Should I masturbate to stay healthy or something?



All and any replies are greatly appreciated.

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Uhmm, I stopped jerking off for a little bit and I just don't get boners 24/7 from seeing hot chicks and stuff. Prolly mostly cuz I got a gf and stuff now, but really I only get a boner when my gf messes with me if ya catch my drift.


Don't worry about not masturbating dude..

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hey i dont know why but im just not masturbating either. u c i have depression and i justhavent done it in like 3 months. i used to do it hella then i havent done it in three months and im fine and actually its making it easier to talk to my female friends for some reason i doubt it will be a problem for u but if u want to be sure u could ask a doctor or something

take care my friend

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