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being mystery attracts girls?

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hmmmm can't think of much. I can think of being a mystery as in being spontaneous. doing random things will keep a girl on her feet. Say if she sits in you lap, let her do so. next time, push her off and spank her. something that she can't always tell what your going to do. Keep her guessing to what your doing, a mystery.

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By mystery I think the best way to go is not so mush unpredictable as quiet and not giving too much away. I think girls are interested in guys who don't talk constantly and appear to have more under the surface. You know a challenge to get the guy to open up! My husband is the master of this..he sits quietly at work and gets on with his work and 2 girls just gave him their phone numbers! Not that its a plan on his part but you could try it! For example be a bit cagey about what you do and where you go, ask more questions and talk less about yourself.


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