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hurting pretty bad right now.....

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was with my ex for almost 8 years, we broke up on and off for a number of years and finally called it quits for good in april. I made the mistake of looking at his facebook and there are pictures plastered all over it of him and his new girlfriend. He looks so happy and it's killing me. The latest one was taken of the two of them on valentine's day. I spent valentine's day alone bawling my eyes out with a bottle of champagne. I know it sounds dramatic but knowing he was with her and for the past 8 years WE had always spent that night together, really hurt. That day was torture.


I am trying to move on with my life but he's always in the back of my mind. We were our first loves so he has a very special place in my heart and always will, but the pain is unbearable some days. It really hit me when I saw that he had a new girlfriend. I want to be happy for him but inside I am not.....I wish he could have been that happy with me...........

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True love runs deep. A year is not that much time when it comes to healing from severe heartache. The pain you feel now is the precious, bittersweet gift of loving as deeply as you did for all those years. It is okay to feel the hurt and the loss, the agony and the loneliness that you do. Be gentle with yourself for you have been through so much.


May peace and comfort touch your kind heart. May all that you shared with your boyfriend be forever a part of your soul and heart, and one day bring a gentle smile through the tears.


My heart goes out to you.....it feels your sorrow, and cries with you..........

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I'd give you a cuddle if I could.


The others are right, she most likely is a rebound relationship and it is unlikely to last.

He is probably pasting photos everywhere to try and affirm his relationship with her.


Can you block his facebook page to remove the temptation to look?

These things just cause so much more hassle sometimes...


You will start feeling happier one day.

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