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i want a Flatter stomache!!!help!!!

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pretty much what he said, but for some people it's almost impossible, it's good to also exercise the abs to promote a more defined look in the stomach region ... if someone was overweight previously, and is now slim, it can also be difficult due to stretched skin, but you know, this can all be minimized by good exercise ...



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remember to exercise the lower abs as many people miss these out (leg raises etc)


And don't forget the obliques!


GoodPerson is right, Genetics has alot to do with it but you have control to some exstent

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Do cardiovascular exercises : running and swimming is the best. Increase Protein intake and lower your carbohydrates. Drink lots of water. And basically you should decrease your calorie intake by just 5%. I hope I do not sound like a scientist or something 8) but it works!!!

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Actually, what all the above people said are good to do, BUT, alot of people don't realize that you have to do WEIGHT TRAINING as well.


You can do all the situps (lower, upper, side), run a million miles, row and bike for hours, but they won't help UNLESS YOU WEIGHT TRAIN TOO. Trust me, I've tried this.


You see, if you weight train (you don't have to have the goal of putting on muscle, for you, it's just to tone), your muscles work harder than if you do long time cardiovascular movements (like running, cycling, rowing). Once you start to weight train, your muscles get stronger, and hence they need more energy to support them, and hence you burn more calories whatever you do (running, rowing, cycling, etc) - this is the key - the stronger your muscles are, the more calories you'll burn, and hence, the fat starts to burn away around your waist, and hence, you'll actually see your abs.


So your weight training program should just contain like 4-5 sets of high repetitions because you want to TONE, e.g., if you do leg curls, do 3-5 sets of say 12-15. People who want to put on muscle or gain weight usually do 2-4 sets of low repetitions, i.e., 3-5 repetitions in each set.


My recomendation: If you just go work out 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes each, with say 2 times where you work on cardiovascular, and the 3rd time working on weight training, you'll start to see a "pack".


Good luck.

Kung fu

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A flat stomach and sculpted abs start in the kitchen. You need to eat healthy foods and have a well balanced diet and drink a lot of water (at least 8 glasses a day). Cardiovascular exercise at least 3 times a week is also crucial. Doing your cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach is also more effective for burning maximum calories.


One program that is excellant for sculpting your stomach is : link removed


If you do some of the ab boot camp exercises on a stability ball, the effect will be even greater. At first you might notice that your stomach will actually seem bigger because you'll end up acquiring muscle mass under your layer of abdominal fat. Building up your obliques can make your "love handles" more prominent at first. But if you stick to your diet, cardio, and sculpting plan you eventually will see a difference. Abdominal fat is the most stubborn to get rid of. It's usually the first place you gain weight and the last place you lose weight. You can get rid of it but it takes dedication and patience.


How do I know? -I'm very very happy to say I just got rid of mine. But it took about 15 weeks to flatten my stomach about 24 weeks to get the definition I wanted.... It's tough- but you'll feel great after. 8)

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Ooos, I forgot to say for toning: when you do 3-5 sets of 12-15 repetitions, do them at a medium weight, i.e., there is resistance, not too much where you can't even move it, but just enough to make you work.


You see, if you want to gain muscle, you do low 2-4 sets of low reps (3-7 reps) at a really heavy weight (one where you really struggle and can barely push the bar up in your last set).

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