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not ready for a relationship?? what?

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ok soo here's the deal...i've been hanging out with this guy who really cool and tons of fun and recently we turned into make-out buddies...but nothing more...and im really starting to like him. and then i realized i better make sure he likes me to because otherwise he could just be using me.. right? soo i asked really casually "ur not just using me are u?" and he was like "no!" n i was like "good, because i think i kinda like u..." and he was like "ahh but i dont really want a relationship...right now.." and i was like thats ok i just wanna have fun with you bc i think ur a really cool kid...and he was like "thanx"...


so..my question is does this mean this isnt going to turn into something ever? guys: what does it mean when u say that? i mean i just wanna have fun and be ya know...friends who like each other n have amazing like physical chemistry and hope that it turns into something more when were both ready...BUT i cant figure out a way to let him know this w/o him thinking that he can just go do w/e he wants with whoever he wants n that ill be ok with it...because i wont...i just dont want to be the pressuring and annoying girl but i do want him to care about me...someone PLEASE help....

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In my experience, a lot of guys lose respect for a girl who becomes their makeout buddy without a relationship. It just happens a lot of the time that it never turns into anything and if it does he doesn't feel obligated to wine and dine her. I don't really approve for this reason - but it doesn't always work that way, just my take.

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well would you think about maybe ever just telling him how you feel, like what you told us, that you are starting to really care for him. if he doesn't care for you baby then get out of it, you don't wanna be used for some make out toy, you don't need to be treated like that, if he doesn't wanna relationship then he shouldn't be making out with you and starting to stir up feelings from you for him, because some guys are just like that , all they want is a make out buddy and thats that. i hope everything works out! maybe he likes you too, and he is just afraid of comittment or regection. well the best advice i can give you is comunicate with him about it and if heg is just using you get out of it, don't let yourself be used. okay hun.

if you need to talk about it pm me.

love QTpie87

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He is using you, and you are essentially using him. I think that he only wants to go as far as make-out buddies. Nothing more. I would say if you want his heart, then stay away from it, because he really doesn't seem to want to give it to you. I would tell him straight "What are we doing? Do you really want something of this or we just messin around?" Thats what I would say.



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He is using you, and you are essentially using him. I think that he only wants to go as far as make-out buddies. Nothing more. I would say if you want his heart, then stay away from it, because he really doesn't seem to want to give it to you. I would tell him straight "What are we doing? Do you really want something of this or we just messin around?" Thats what I would say.




Another vote for this one, I think he's using you ... serious sugar, pull away, if he wants you, he'll come a begging, but set the rules, you want a relationship, not a make out buddy ...



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