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how to i ask him out?

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Since you were so considerate and responded to mine, I owe you.

It's hard to help you without having so info.

1. Doe's he like anyone or do you know if he likes you at all.(because i make sure she like me before i ask her out)

2. If he said said not when u asked him out, would you feel very bad and would it affect you at all.


Feel free to PM me

Yours truly,


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Give him a sign or something. See how he reacts to it, most guys will joke about what you do... that's like them biting the bait. Reel him in, tell him that you feel close to him and if he says he likes you back then just say that you're going out.


If for some reason he doesn't feel drawn into you, muster it up and just tell him how you feel. Most guys understand, even if they don't show it. You guys will be closer no matter what happens, so don't feel awkward confronting him, it's the worst thing you can do.


Hope I helped.



PS PM me if ya wanna talk about it

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if you are not sure about how much he likes you maybe just expressing ur feelings would be best just be like "i don't know if you've noticed or not but i've really liked u a lot lately" I can't word it like a girl but yea thats the ider

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