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making out...HELP ME PLEASE!!!

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i no you guyz have probably heard this a zillion times but i just started going out with this really kool guy and i have 2 make out with him this saturday!!! i hav neva make out with any1 before and im really nervous that ill do it rong and he will hate me. do you think you could help me on how 2 kiss???oh by the way it has 2 b a proper tongue kiss and all.


thanx a bunch!!!

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Hey Emma,


There are loads of topics on the site index that can help you about kissing, romance and making out. All i can say is go with the flow, trust me it will all just happen...if you are confident in yourself then there will be no problems, because there is no set way of kissing and making out.


Anyway, who says you have to make out? You should go at your own pace and level, and he will respect you for the fact that you take care of yourself first. If you personally want to go that length straight away, then suggest to him your inexperienced. And if that aint an option ( then its still all good, just go with the flow and read some topics here if your still unsure.


Good luck

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thanx a bunch. wen i sed had 2 i didnt meen it lik dat but i rele wanna cuz i aint dun it before and he has. apparently hes supposed 2 b a RELE GD pul so dat makes me even more nervous. all im scared about is doing it rong. anywayz thanx a bunch


xxx emma xxx

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