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What do you do to pre-empt a break up?

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what i think is there is really no way that you can make sure that you will never break up....it is just fate and fate is gonna happen. But this will help you not break up. First Don't start fighting over little things in the end all the little fights will turn into 1 big fight. Diffinently, do not flirt with other people. word with get around to her,( trust me) and then the big green jealously monster will come out she will think that she isn't good enough 4 u 2 flirt with her and then make sure u always thank her for what she does for you, and a gurl loves to be complimented to, b/c were always insecure about how we look. one last thing is do the same things that you did when yall first started goin out, if u don't then the relationship fire will die down and go out and it will be boring and then either she will break up with u or cheat on u trust me i have had it happen to me before. I am speaking out of experience ok so just go with me.



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