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Girl ended it with no reason.....

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I was seeing this girl unofficially while she still had a boyfriend for about two months. She finally ended it with her boyfriend in December (because of me is what she said) and we continued to see each other and hang out still unofficially. In April she abruptly told me that she doesn't want me calling her and that she'll call me when she's ready.


I can't think of anything that I did for her to stop everything all together and now she doesn't want anything to do with me.


Would could be going on? I"m pretty sure she didn't end up getting back with her boyfriend, although I don't know for sure since she won't tell me whats going on.


I honestly thought this girl was the one for me and i'm having the hardest time getting over this.


Any advice will be much appreciated.

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I can't say for sure what happened. Maybe she did get back with her boyfriend, but its hard to say. Its not fair that she left you the way she did. She should have given some explaination, but she didn't & there's not much to do. She said she didn't want you to call her & that she will call you when she's ready to, so I guess just wait for that to find out what happened. It will only push her away more if you try to contact her & try to force her to give you a reason for breaking things off. I hope things work out.

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I have been leaving her alone, waiting for her to finally call or email, but its been a month and nothing.....its is becoming really hard for me to get over her, probably because of the way that it ended (abruptly) but i can't get her out of my mind....i constantly think about her during the day at work and she's the first thing i think about when i wake up.....how do i get over this?

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Maybe you should say to her that you deserve and explination, it might make matters worse but you cant have any closure with the thought of that theres a chance, and that you dont konw what going on. I would get some answers I know how crazty it drives you when they dont tell you anything, I know i went to my exs work at the pub and said look i really need to talk to you whats going on, if you want me out of your life just say so i just wanna move on. If you can hold out a little longer then ask do so, if you erally cant it will only hert you not knowing. Its the most imbarable pain ive ever felt not knowing was wroing with her, s o i know how it feels, you will keep questioning and questionin and making it worse. Its soo much easier foryousef if you can put closure on it rathter then following her, for your own survival. If you arent getting the answers your needing you really need to move on as hard as you can, its horrible being dragged around not knowing abnything. You could leave it 2 months THEN contact her and say wats going on, and then she turn around saying im with some 1, me and u finished 2 months ago sorry.

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I'm gonna go ahead and assume that this girl is rather young..

I can't say she returned to her ex or not...but seriously..there might of been someone else that entered the scene...After all.. She was cheating on her ex with you...And she probably gave you the infamous statement..."But I would never do that to you" Thats the problem..Us guys always think that were different from the previous..We believe were better...or more "special"...Seriously..she probably even told you how rotten her ex was right?....You can expect the same treatment here...Why else is she treating you so poorly and with no concern or regard to your feelings..Cause she already has her support to move forward...See my point? I don't know if this situation totally applies to you....but I seen this happen all to many times...Mostly in young girls or young women...but if she does return...why would you want to be with someone like that anyways?..you really wanna play an emotional game of pong with yourself and some other guy? I say teach her a life lesson and spare yourself some future grief..


Regards ~Rainswept

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This is the worst situation to be in... lack of closure. I know, because I was in the same situation. I broke up with my ex, and it was, I thought, a largely mutual decision (ie. we both agreed it would be for the best). We were friendly for about a week after the breakup, and then suddenly she decided to stop talking to me. I tried to ask what was wrong, but she refused to speak to me. Things escalated from there and harsh words were exchanged, but at no point did she ever tell me what caused the change in her mood. In the end I gave up and I'm now trying to move on. I know it's very difficult to move on when you don't know why something went wrong. However, hanging around and asking for a second chance won't work. Just move on with your life as best you can. It's the only way to keep your dignity and your sanity in the long run. If it was meant to be, she'll return.

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I have been in this position and I know it is kinda hard because she's possibly cute and USED to be nice so here is what I did......FORGET HER! SHE WANT TO BE LIKE THAT.....FINE! She is not worth your time, she is a drifter, which is a girl that gets bored with you no matter how charming you are just to be with a different guy. Forget her man.....I'm telling ya.....

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