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am i really beyond help

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recently the only person who knew i cut told me im beyond help and that i shouldnt drag him down with me and i have thought about and even attempted suicide yesterday i had that numb felling where you are physically and mentall numb i cut to see if i could still feel pain and i felt nothing i even lit off a firecracker in my hand and almost blew my hand off i still didnt feel any thing i keep thinking to myself "why do i bother living in a world i hat when im already dead inside" am i reall beyond help?

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i can't really say either way if you are or not, i mean you know yourself better than anyone else...what that person said to you was rude. i understand that it is hard for people to handle their friends/whatever cutting themselves or being depressed, or whatever. and the sad thing is, a lot of them respond badly and it hurts. i'm sorry i don't really know what to say, i hate it that there are so many people out there like me, like you, like this...



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i completely understand hes scared and doesnt know how to respond as if evry little thing he say can set me off but the thing is wow he was fine about it for the first six months then finally he decided i was beyond help i have a remarkable understanding for cutting the thing is ppl say it is a release in my oppinion it isnt thats what counselors say that it is a way of releasing your feelings well to me the pain takes my mind off of things htats why i dislike councelors they sit you down and tell you this is your problem and you know that it isnt and even if it was its like i know my problem its the answer i wanted but thats me any other input

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its like i know my problem its the answer i wanted
i like that description....maybe he was trying hard to be okay with it for a long time and couldn't do it anymore. guys that i used to get along with went from being worried, to backing off, to flipping out to making my life hell. i guess everyone handles it differently. i just made a new post on the forum. maybe you could read it and see what you think....



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I know three people who cut themselves and i would be lying if i said i hadnt been tempted, just as a way of getting round the probs in my life. But i have allways been strong enough to carry on. The thing is if you do not face up to the problem you may never get over it and you will steadily get worse. For some people it is harder to face the problem than to get round it, but sooner or later you will have no choice.

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i have been through more in my life than any one diserves to have to deal with. i have had three friends who killed them selves two best friends and an ex girlfriend. my parents split when i was five i live with my dad now and it sounds strange but ten years later my moms not coming back and thats fine i dont need her anyway she had an abortion with me but i survived and she tried to put me up for adoption i have been told that im an accident and i know its true im told to be myself but my dad wants me to be him. and thats just the beginning the reason i cut is when im thinking about these things i do it and then im like ok my wrist hurts i dont have time to think about my problems i try not to think about my problems but sometimes i cant help it ive been happy for a week now i hope it last then again i dont really like being happy

thanx 4 the in put any more is welcome l8er

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You have my deepest sympathy. you have gone through an awfull lot, and no one deserves what you have gone through. chances are the pain will never go away for these memories, but in time you may be able to look back on these and the pain wont be as bad, and you wont think about it as much.


I wish you all the best, be strong

good luck



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it will probably never go away and the only way i can live with myself is to ignore the pain that i feel im going to a councelor now so at least i am getting help. im actually happy for the first time un three years 8) 8) 8) 0X im going to a party for my friends birthday and i geuss im a control freak because i told his mom to back off and let me throw it so im bringing alot of music and all our friends. im inviting this girl i like and hoping that something happen i plan on backflipping into his pool last time i did all the girls wanted to hang out with me i hope i dont get grounded bcuz that will be the third time in a row i havent been able to go to my own party im gonna try to leave the past behind me and make this a new start but im not sure dpressedone89

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  • 1 month later...

Nope, you aren't beyond hope. You aren't hopeless or unworthy at all.


I think it's important that you know what the source of depression is.


There is a chemical in your brain that is naturally made by your body and released when good things happen - like when you laugh or smile, when you have sex, or when you get a "runner's high."


Depressed people have very low quantities of this chemical in their brain. It is a medical condition.


The way anti-depressants work is that they make the levels of this chemical balance out.


It is not to say that depression is not affected by tragic events in life, but sometimes the symptoms get so bad that you need help to even begin coming to terms with everything that has been bothering you.


Depression is an addiction - I know because I've been there. Sometimes it's easier to feel down than to feel nothing at all. But living depressed is almost like not living at all (I was there for years before I got help). You deserve to not hate life. Help yourself.

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