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Reading phone wrong?


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My Ex had issues with this. She kept her passwords secret. Me on the other hand, I gave her my passwords to everything. She could look at anything, from my e mails to my finances on line, with my blessings to do so. I had nothing to hide and never felt the need too. In the beginning, early stages of a relationship, I can understand it. When it is long term and you are living together, getting or are married, you should be well past the point where you should be having anything to hide or anything to worry about your SO seeing. That's my take on it. If somebody is sending things your SO shouldn't see that is more of an issue to me. If they can't say it to you in front of me, than there is a problem.

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If they can't say it to you in front of me, than there is a problem.


That's really vague, there are some things that I couldn't tell my sister in front of her and her boyfriend about me, that I didn't want her boyfriend knowing. Or my good friend, vice versa.

I know what you are actually getting at though, and I agree with you. When it comes to marriage, and actually being in someones life for the long haul, it's nice to know what you are getting yourself into. That's usually the bigger stuff though, and not what family members are talking about.

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