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Confused about the friendship/relationship line

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Okay, heres the story. I'm not the most popular, nor am i the most confident person in the world. I do have lots of friends tho, of both genders. One of the girls that i am friends with is more special to me than my other friends. We have been friends for about a year, and honestly i have liked her since that first day we met and started talking together. I feel comfortable talking with most of the time, and she laughs at my jokes and feels comfortable telling me stuff that has happened to her. I know that the chances of her liking me that much, or even more than just a friend, is very little as well as unexistent. Anyways, I really like her, and want to ask her out, but i don't know how to do this without making the both of us feel awkward, or to jeopordize our friendship. Please help, a year of thinking about this is too much.

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hmmmm, this is another hard one! I know the situation, all too well!


As i have said before, life is too short not to express your feelings towards people.


Do you know any of her friends?


Maybe ask some of her close friends how she feels about you in this respect? (they must know )...although they will probably tell her what you've said!


If i was you, i would just go for it, tell her how you feel,and that you don't want it to jeopordize your friendship whatever the outcome.


If you really like her that much, i would definitely tell her, otherwise you will regret it later on in life. Believe me!

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ive had the same problem


try asking her to go to the movies or something like that. if she says yeah, but immediately asks who else are we going with, odds are she doesnt like you. but if she leaves the answer hanging, theres a good chance she likes you too.

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i know exactly the situation youre in

think about this:

why are you friends with her?

because you love being with her, you think shes pretty, whatever, you "like" her

also, because by hanging out with her you think somehow you might get her to like you or find out if she likes you or somehow get with her

now if you went out with her, that would be great, right?

but if you found out she didnt like you that way at all, then you probably wouldnt want to hang out with her sooo much because youd look at her and always think, damn, ive got to just be friends with her

now, if you never asked her out, so u never found out if she was interested in you, then you could go on hanging out with her and spending time with her and having a grand old time, but always wonderin if she wants you as well, which isnt so bad i guess

so you've got a choice-

1. keep doing what your doing now for, well, as long as youre interest in her lasts, which could be a while

2. ask her out and she says yes, score

(well this isnt really a choice)3. ask her out, she says no, and either you won't hang out as much because you hung out with her because you liked her, OR it wont be awkward at all, she'll say no, you'll say "alright, whats the math homework" and youll be friends like before, no hard feelings, life goes on

and if u ever get around to askin her out, private message me i wanna hear how it goes

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