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real interest vs just a flirt

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theres a girl im into, and she seems interested as well...although im not sure

we flirt a lot but then again, it seems like she flirts with other people as well

for example she touches me a little bit sometimes, she always laughs and smile at me, but all of these things she does with other people

how can u tell if someone flirting with you is any different , if they like u any more than anyone else

i know that sometimes i flirt with other girls but definitely this one more, just some advice would be AWESOME

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Best thing would be the push pull method. You flirt with her one day and then out of the blue you do the pull back. You act disinterested for a day or two and when she does flirt with you again (which she will because it will drive her crazy that you aren't giving her the attention she feels she deserves) then you pop this line on her that will show her that you have a pair and your time is precious my friend...


Listen, (insert girls name here). I'm really not one to play games so if you wanna do something lets make it clear otherwise you let me know if this is all a game.


It can only work to your favor and here's why. You are clearly letting her know that you are interested in her, but that you won't stand idly by while she plays games. You can go play XBOX if you wanna play games. If she does have interest, then she will tell you something along the lines that she wants to do something. Otherwise she'll say that she never saw you that way. In that case its better for you because she was playing you this whole time and real friends dont do that to one another. Believe me, if she is a flirt like you say she is then she will go crazy if you act uninterested for a little.

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