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oh god... help

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im in love with two girls. im not so sure about one of them, but i've been with her the longest. the other one i just realised i was in love with today, and it's KILLING ME. they're both in love with me, and im totally confused. the one im not so sure about, well, she's extremely depressed, she needs me, every moment i worry about her killing herself (this is the one you might have heard about in my other posts) and the other one im more in love with. i used to feel this way about the first one, but now for some reason it's fading away. i feel so guilty, and i want to just die. i need help. i dont want to explain the whole situation, im too tired. i hope someone can help.

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Dude let me just say you need to do what you feel is right for YOU. It sounds to me that you may be holding on to the first because she's dependent on you. This may sound harsh but her life and happiness is not your responsibility. If she is seriously a suicide risk than its a delicate situation but maybe you could help her through it as a friend instead of a lover. Be careful.

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I don't think you will have a very healthy relationship with the girl who is depressed because she will most likely become very needy. As far as helping her out, ask her to go talk to a counselor about her problems or find someone else that will listen to her. I wouldn't just ignore her and then go out with the other girl. If you are worried about the depressed girl killing herself, then you need to make every effort for her not to kill herself. Make sure that she seeks professional help. Hope this helps.

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i'll post a few more facts about this:

1. i have come to the conclusion i love them both just as much

2. im going to stay with the current one (the depressed one)

3. the non-depressed one lives in florida, and i live in california, and the depressed one lives in the same city as me.

4. it would be stupid to break up with her because she's depressed. im depressed too, i know how she feels.

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Well in that case you shouldn't be trying to have a relationship with the girl who lives in Florida. That is simply just way too far away. I suggest you try to get over her and then you need to get the girl you're with right now to talk to a counselor about her depression. If you are depressed as well then it may help if you talk to a counselor.

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you think i can help loving the girl in florida? I DONT FRIGGIN WANT TO. I dont like being in love with two girls. I DEFINITELY dont like being confused. BUT I CANT HELP IT. and i CANT simply just block her out of my life. and me and rebeca, the depressed one, have both seen many, many, many counselors. THEY DONT FREAKING HELP!

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About the girl issue: Just think about how hard it will be to see the girl in Florida. The relationship will be very hard to maintain because you will hardly ever get to meet each other in real life. If you really are in love with this other girl, then you really need to try to get her out of your mind. I know this can be done. This happens to many people and almost every time people find some way to get someone off their mind. It's just not going to work out with the girl in Florida unless she decides to move to your city or for some reason you are moving to her city. I know it's hard, but again, it can be done.


About the depression issue: What exactly is the problem? Maybe one of us here can try to help you out. If counselors are not helping then something is really wrong. Feel free to tell us what the problem is and we will support you.

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