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Shaving tips?!?!?!

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well..i don't know what area you're shaving but if it is anything south of the border...legs, bikini, ya know...along those lines....putting regular white solid deoderant after shaving keeps from getting razor burn and decreases ingrown hairs

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After many years, I have nearly perfected the art of shaving. Lol.


Here are three products that I have tried out and work very well for me:

-Mach 3 razor blade (yes, even women can use them ),

-skintimate shaving gell (I use a mango scent),

-skintimate after shaving gell for sensitive skin with aloe vera


Also, other things to keep in mind:

-keep rinsing off the blade while shaving to get rid of build up,

-change the blade often,

-if you are in the shower, you should soak both the blade and your skin in hot water before shaving..

-be gentle,

-and.. in "sensitive areas" you should prbably wait at least 2-3 days before shaving again. You seem to get more red bumps if you don't.


Anyways, I hope that helps

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey... I shave everyday and all. But ever since I started shaving I have got lines on my legs...it's normal i guess because i see other girls have them too. Even when I have just shaved theyre on there. It's pretty annoying... I've tried lotions and stuff but nothing makes it seem to go away. How do I get rid of them?

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Hey I am going to camp soon, but we have a limited shower time everyday. I am so used to shaving every day, but I take usually 25 minute showers. So i was wondering if like veet and nair work? I heard that veet rasera bladeless razor thing works but i am just trying to find out what works best and longest? Thanks!

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