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The great depression


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I wish to the stars..

almost every night...

and hope there's an answer..

that will make things seem right.

Something to make things seem better..

just some little sign.

Just some little clue..

that will makes things seem fine.

I wish to the stars..

and I wish that they knew...

just how much I fight to go on..

and all the things I've been through.

But, it's so hard to keep going now..

just so hard to keep going on.

Inside..I am slowly dying...

and soon..I'll be gone.

And if I could have one more wish..

and make that wish come true...

I'd wish for a mother who really wants me..

a mother who cares about what I go through.

A mother to hold me in her loving arms..

aah..but I know this will never be...

because when I look at myself now...

the answer to all the "why's"..I now see.

Slowly my head begins to lower..

as it all starts to become clear.

Slowly I start to close my eyes...

and down my cheek rolls a single tear.

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i really liked your poem, and even though you posted this a while back i only just got on to read this, i can see a lot of emotion in the poem, i just wondered what it is exactly that you believe in?

only in the smallest of amounts it seems like you ont have enough faith in yourself, have you ever heard the line ''when did you find out you were god? well i found out because when i prayed i heard those words?''


to some it wont mean much but i believe its importants, its being your own person and fulfilling your own life, sometimes praying to the big man up stairs can consume the time you have to realise those whys and actually work with them.


im hoping you found some truths in the answers you gained and that maybe you could expand on those thoughts to achieve.


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why, arent you close to your mum, ForAnother?

personally i wouldnt worry about where i am heading, maybe mak sure its a positive track but to have something planned is never a fulfilled life, yes make it positive, but dont make it predictive, we all experiance times which are of high and low experiances but at the end of it all, will power, will hopefully pull the majority of us through, if not all if its possible.


good luck.


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