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cyber sweetie wants to move in with me

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My girlfriend wants to move in with me ,but we haven't actually met in person yet. I know this sounds crazy but I love her very much and she says she loves me. Heres the problem she lives 1,000 miles away from me should I let her go ahead and make the move, or at the risk of seeming shallow tell her I want to meet her in person first? Well hit me back and tell me what u think.

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Well first off, moving in with someone is an extremely big step in any relationship. In one where you've never actually met the person its way bigger. Everyone seems different online then they do in person, mainly because you can't hear their emotions or read their body language. So I would strongly urge that the two of you meet before you decide to move in together. Perhaps have her out to your place for a week or two and see how things go. For sure though let her know that shes only staying for a week this time.

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I certainly do not think that by wanting to meet her in person first this would make you shallow. Afterall, you cannot tell whether or not there really is something there and if you have chemistry until you guys meet in person. I definitely do not think she should move 1000 miles away for a person she's only spoken to over the net. Spend some time together in person, and if all goes well, than maybe consider it. It's best not to jump into things.

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There's nothing shallow about wanting to meet her. Even if you were seeing this girl everyday, which you aren't, doesnt mean to say you would be okay living together. You may feel you know her but living under the same roof with someone is very different. Can't she stay for a week or two then go back, just to see how you get on ( as Hannibal said). It seems the most logical solution.

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  • 1 month later...

Same thing happened to me very recently. It scared the hell out of me that a girl I haven't met in person wanted to move in with me even though I was in very much in love with her. Unfortunately things started to go downhill fast shortly before my trip to visit her and we broke up.


I learned alot about her when I met and suggest that you make the trip, but be prepared because things may take a turn for the worst as it did in my case.


Best of luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

heck no! jeez...you're headed for trouble there. pet peeves, personal issues, etc will get in the way for sure, you really need to know this person before you decide to share your home with them! what if they're just a crazy person? what if they do things that really really drive you crazy? then what are you going to do? sounds like you might be scared to ask them to leave..then you'll have a psycho on your hands...don't do it dude!

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