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I have a friend, and we have been friends for a long time, about 6 or 7 years, but somethings bother me. He only seems to do things that suit him. Like if I need to stay after class becuase something is wrong with my grade, but we need to catch a ride with our friend, he leaves becuase he doesnt want to walk home. I loeave and get to the spot where we normally meet, and they both are no there. I am pissed, not becuase I have to walk home, but becuase neither of them could even wait for me while I was fixing my grade. OR If were are doing something and I accidenttally hit him, then he decides to get rough, and goes all out and hits back. Like one time we were hikings and we had some sticks to lean on, and I accidentally hit him, so he takes his and smacks me on the leg. My leg buckles and I lose balance. He keeps walking... We also seem to get into fights a lot. Any advice on how to deal with this? By the way, I am a guy, if it changes anything.

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Hey there


I wud say dont expect them to wait for u...time is precious...and mayb they have other stuff to do....this way, u dont have obligations to wait for them...kinda independent which is good in many ways...


But, as for the gettin rough stuff, I guess thats a bit too much...y dont u tell him that its not a nice thing and u dont wanna be a part of his temper tantrums...mayb he thinks its cool or somethin...Talk it over and tell him u wont put up with it...


If u both benefit from the friendship, care for each other...then there is a point in the friendship, otherwise move on...its better to be in good terms than be best friends who fight all the time...


Hope it helped...



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I realize about the wait thing, he may have had other stuff to do, but he didn't. He got home and played video games. I know becuase they were online games, and I was on as well. So that could say what he thinks is more important in his friendship, dont you think?

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Well, it depends on how long the wait was...


But its ok, I guess...its bad only if he said he's gonna wait for u...and then took off...Otherwise, try to take it easy and dont expect him to stay anymore...


Besides, u dunno for sure if he was playin...mayb he logged in but was also doin other stuff...i m just guessin....but it cud have been as u said too...i m just tryna help u c other perspectives...


this waitin is not serious...but his temper...thats somethin u may wanna talk to him about....




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See the thing is we always wait for each other, no matter when it is. And the wait was only about 3 minutes. Its not so mucht he fact that he didnt wait for me so much as it is the fact that he ditched me when I had a problem, but not once have I ever ditched him. I just feel like I'm being a more faithful friend, and I'm getting nothing out of it. Thanks for the help guys!

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