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How do you know when a girl is interested?

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Well first of all they will look at you all the time. Then when you look at them they either look away real fast or look at something else. then if there legs are crossed and are pointing at you they are interested but are nervious of being around you. if there legs are crossed pointing away from you then that means they are not interested in you at all. If they don't have their legs crossed but are pointing at you than you are lucky because that means they are really intersted. If they rub against you for an unknown reason but do not quickly move away then she might as well be cooking you breakfast in the morning.


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Well, about all of this leg crossing stuff posted earlier, I'm not so sure about that. I mean, just because I have my legs crossed away from a man doesn't mean I don't like him. I would say a basic rule of thumb is if she is kind of "touchy, feely" with you (provied that she is not that way with everybody) she may be interested . Also, when I am interested in a guy, I smile more at him and give him more of my attention. I might try to play with his hair etc. But, I would say a pretty good indicator is in her eyes. If you get into a long gaze with her, you can ususally tell just by the way she is looking at you. If her eyes look empty and emotionless, then most likely, she doesn't like you. But well, that is just my opinon.

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I'm in somewhat of an unusual situation. I'm 20, and the girl I like (a lot) is 16. We know each other through church. I've already asked her parents for permission to ask her out, but they said I have to wait.


In the mean time, I'm just hoping to get to know her and find out if she feels the same way. Her personality is the quiet, reserved (not shy) type, and is a very sweet girl. Well, I often catch her looking at me, even from accross the room. She usually acts giggly and nervous when I'm around.


My specific question is about something that happened recently. We were both kind of in a group, and somehow the subject turned to a young couple we all know. Somebody then made a joke about their romance. The girl temporarily lives a few hundred miles from the guy, but they visit a lot, so I think the joke was like, "I wonder where HE is right now."


Everyone laughs, and I happen to glance at the girl I like. She already is looking at me, and she has this special kind of smile on her face. She holds the gaze, and I'm actually the first to look away.


Does this mean she was trying to tell me something? Or was it probably nothing, and our eyes just happened to meet while she was smiling?

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heh.. I am somewhat experianced with a situation like this. It is kind of a hard question.. to wonder if she is interested in you or not. Isn't it? Well, first off, asking her parents for permission was very wise of you. The last thing you want is for them to be against your relationship .. or you will have to wait it out for maybe a bit over two years.


Also, from the sounds of it, she doesn't seem to know you very well (the whole giggly.. stuff). Hm, well, the smile may indicate that she finds you attractive, but that doesn't nesercarily mean she is interested in any sort of a serious relationship with you. It might be awkward if she can't really be herself around you.


Its a tough situation you are in.. You could make a move and have her accept and yet, her parents may be against it. I would say if you are really interested in this, and believe that the age difference won't cause the relationship to be a dud.. try and find out how she feels. And if she seems interested in you, try to get to know her parents well and slowly move towards where you want to be with her. I can say this, the more the parents know and trust you, the better your relationship will be. Good luck.

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Thanks, Suzy. Actually she can be herself around me once we really start talking, although even then there's this undercurrent of nervousness that we both seem to feel and know that the other is feeling. We don't know each other very well yet, but it seems like she really gets me. Everything about her attracts me.


Anyway, there I go rambling again. So how would you recommend finding out how she feels? I'm not sure I can ask directly, since her dad would probably find out and not be too pleased that I did. I've thought about bringing up the subject of girls and guys in general to her, but I don't know how I could do that in a natural way.

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I'm thinking the best way to find out the way she feels with out really "intentionally" finding out how she feels (the father situation), would be to flirt with her in a slightly more obvious way and see if she responds. For instance, you could compliment her looks in some way and see what she does.. or.. let's see.


You COULD just striaght out tell her what you think about her. Not what you feel.. that might be crossing the line of what her parents want. But, you could tell her how great of a person you think she is and why in a more detailed way then one usually would. She will either be very flattered, which doesn't necesarily mean anything, or she could return the favor. If she did, you could find out what she thinks about you at least. She could even throw in how she feels about you. heh. Oh the joys of bending the "rules" ^_^.


Hope that helps.

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