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I Need HELP!!!!

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Hello. I have a problem. I am 15 years old and I just got in my first "serious" relationship. We've been dating for almost four months now and we are taking things slow (which is good for me) but on our four month I want to give him something in return because he's done stuff to me. But the bad thing is...I am REALLY shy and I don't know how to start anything off (such has hand job/blow job) let alone how to do any of that. I've talked to him about wanting to do stuff and he's explained to me how to start things off and how to do everything but I'm still confused! I am completely comfortable around him but when it comes to sexual things I am shy! So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me some pointers! I would be so very grateful!! Thank You

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sorry but u are only a baby. DO NOT DO THIS


i know that u feel all grown up and mature to be doing sexual things...BUT URE NOT. Trust me on this one...i would bet alot of money that this boy ur with now...will not be the guy u marry. U are too young to understand this...but hopefully others on here will agree with me and be able to explain to u why.

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bluebird Young people are having sex at a lot younger age now and she may not marry him but sex is still a big issue i know your not talking about sex glitterfairy im just helpin you make sure if you do to use protection though anyway to start it all you have to do is ina movie or something put your hand were his zipper is and unzip and slowly put ure hand in his pants and rub his penis until it gets errect and go from dere

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even tho i am only 15 too, i agree with her... u wil most likely wished it never happened..... but there are other things to do bs sexual things... like do something with him that involves him to see another side of you.. like bungy jumping..or something like that.. you would be surprised to see how much you two can bond without sexual things being involved.

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you say you are comfortable around your boyfriend in everything but sexual matters - this is FINE! When you ARE comfortable enough to initiate sexual activity, then that is when you will be ready.


Your shyness with sexual things: be it touching his penis, having sex, etc is perfectly normal at your age - and you should never try to push things that you arent ready for, even if you THINK you are. You obviously arent, and other people in this thread are in agreeance with me on this one, because you say you're 'shy' about it - this just means you're not ready emotionally/mentally/physically whathaveyou.


This is probably taking it too far but...Is he pressuring you? Even if its just subtlely, you shouldnt stand for that. No one should make you do anything that you dont want to do.


It doesnt matter how old you are, you could be 15 or 25... whatever, my belief is that if you cant talk about it/contemplate doing it/ get embarrassed about it etc, then you arent ready, and thereforeeee, you shouldnt do it.



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Hey! Listen, I'm 16 and I only started doing physical things with guys last summer, so don't think it's abnormal to not be completely aware of what to do. You say you've been with him for almost 4 months and haven't given him hand our blowjobs? I'm really proud of you, it proves you have a lot of respect for yourself! Now, as far as the physical things are concerned.. hand jobs are not that hard. Most guys will actually put your hand on their privates to get you started. A little advice, lubricate before!! Also, you have to keep a constant motion or he won't cum. As for blowjobs.. theres no easy way to learn it! You just have to try to open up ur throat so it can go in further. Again, the constant motion is a must! I do think you should wait until you are very close to him physically. Things like this don't usually need advice if it's the right time. Don't think you have to do anything because it's been 4 months, you'll know when it's so intense you can't keep your hands off eachother! Take care, I hope everything works out for you!

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