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seeing the future

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This is really, really starting to freak me out. I have seen visions of the future, in the form of dreams. when i see things in my dreams that come true, i dont just get an image, i get the exact picture in my mind, every detail, every person in it, like im standing right there. sometimes these dreams come true, but sometimes they dont. i started having dreams like this like 3 months ago, which is when i started to remember my dreams. all these "dreams" started coming into reality about a week ago. when i first realized that what i saw was exactly what i saw in my "dreams", i got really freaked out, and passed out for a little bit, it was very,very weird. does anything know what is happening or have some advice? im starting to lose my mind over this...

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Hi CheeseHead,


Are you taking anything by any chance, that might alter your dreams? If so, then I don't know, perhaps, it could be an 'after effect.' But, if you are not, then their could be some truth that you might have some 'pyschic' powers. I remember learning this from church. Even in Catholicism, we have this belief that some people have to ability to see interpret or experience things that others can't. I can't pin point exactly what the name of the belief is, but I can remember it in my own language because we had caticism in different languages as well. Well anyway, that belief is, some people are just 'blessed' with that wisdom, so to speak. It's basically a gift from God, that allows you to be more intuitive than others. That's just one explaination for it though.


Perhaps, you do have some kind of psychic, ESP powers. I know, some people think that these theories are 'out of this world,' but hey, just because we live in a modern generation, with advanced science and technology, it does not mean that we know everything. Miracles happen everyday, that's unexplained. Science doesn't have an answer for everything.


My hunch tells me, perhaps, you are 'gifted.' Maybe, it's that you have so much faith, and belief in things, that you're blessed with certain abilities, more so, than others. I think that it's true. That's why, you have some people who are wise philosophers, like the Dalai Lama, who aren't just 'chosen' out of nowhere. Now, I'm not saying that you should fall under the impression of the people who believed that they were chosen, who joined the "Comit Hailey Bop" cult (if you know what I'm talking about). But, there are amazing people who did make future predictions. I'm not saying that they're God or anything. I forget the name of the guy, I think that it was Edgar Case (who made predictions about Hitler, etc.) So, there are people out there, who do have those powers, and don't even know it. I'm not talking about "John Edwards," the guy on "Crossing Over" (He even confessed about not having the true abilities on one of the shows in Discovery Channel. I never bought into him. Plus, he bugs me.)


What I'm getting at, is, chances are, you do have those special capabilities. You are gifted to a certain extent. You do have a stronger 'intuition' than others. I'm not saying that you should try to be a John Edwards or anything, but be happy with it. That's cool. Miracles, De Ja Vou (mispelled), does happen quite often. My ex and I had that connection. It was weird because, I had a dream about something, and the next day, he finished my dream. We dreamt about the same thing, but I didn't tell him exactly what was in my dreams, but when we shared it together, I was shocked, hearing what he said. All of the details that he said, matched mine. weirdness. But, yeah, De ja vous are cool, just as long as they're positive.


So, yeah, be happy that you experience this. That's cool. Not many people get to experience feelings of De Ja Vou. Heck, my ex was the biggest 'Rationalist', he was a big time 'science' kind of guy, but that dream shared betweent he both of us, was something different. It was like telepathy or something. Crazy. Miracles happen everyday, and be glad that they do. You are the 'blessed' one!



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hi cheesehead; I just tried to pm you but am not sure it worked. Basically, I have been experiencing something similar since I was about your age. If you want to pm me sometime to talk about it, feel free.


Out of curiosity, do you keep a dream journal?--if not, try it! Is anything markedly different about your life now than before or usually?


take care

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Dont be too freaked out, in dreamlore its incredibly common for this to happen.

Though detail is usually non specific, it can happen. I know this, as it has happened to me a few times before.

I suppose you could call it a form of subconscious ESP, you know, like when you get a bad feeling in your gut for no reason, before somthing goes horridly wrong. These things are unexplained, though they happen to many.


You should get used to it though, over time youll be able to use this for your own benefit, thats what its there for, after all.


Dont be scared of the unknown, embrace it.

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i really do appreciate all of your replys to this and its started to get me thinken a bit.


the reason this is scaring me is because it is happenening abnormaly often. maybe i really do have these special "gifts"? Im not taking anything to alter my dreams, and to tell you the truth, i didnt even know there was something that you could take to alter your dreams. i am starting to see these visions from my sleep start coming to life once around every other day...

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I think I might be what you called gifted, but I am not sure

I take nothing to alter my dreams, yet every once in a while little bits of my dreams come true. I know the scientific explanation of deja vu, and I can identify when I feel deja vu and when I'm experiencing snatches of my past dreams.

I'm Catholic and more devout than the average high school religion student, so I hesitate to call myself gifted.

This dream thing doesn't happen very often; maybe once every few months or more. They aren't about important events and are only a few seconds long.

Example->I was dreamed I was in my kitchen listening to a phone conversation between my neighbor and her daughter. She said, "Well, I think you're going to have to talk to your father." I wasn't looking at her though; i was looking at the ground.

A couple weeks later, we had our neighbors over for dinner...all except thier oldest daughter. I had no idea my dream was about to come true. I had always been taught that dreams were thoughts that strongly affected us or that we 'didn't have time to dwell on' during the day. I was in the kitchen helping out when I realised the mother was talking to their oldest daughter on the phone. As I heard the conversation in my dream begin, i realised what was happening, and looked at my feet because I suddendly felt over whelmed.It was as I lowered my gaze to the floor that i got the exact view that i had in my dream.

I probably have only had five experiences like this, and they started maybe a year or 2 ago. I still have regular dreams that do not come true.

Am I gifted?

If I am, is there anyway to tell the difference between my real dreams and the future dreams?


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hi guys, yeah, something similar happens to me. It happens all the time now, it even happened just now bedore i posted. for example, i was reading what cheese head was saying, then i wrote "pinky and the brain" out of no where on an im and sent it, then at the last post i saw the signature of someonedoing quotes from pinky and the brain.. and last night it happened as well, i was talking to my friend while playing a game online, and i meantioned something about the movie jay and silent bob, then when i was done i turned on the tv and flipped through a couple channels and sure enough, it was on. that kind of stuff happens to me..

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I think that it's great that the both of you guys, among the other posters, go through this. Actually, you guys are lucky in a sense that you guys might have a strong intuition for things. That's a great gift to have. Things like this happen to me only once in a while. It's fantastic when it does. That's why I believe in the concept of 'fate' and things 'happening for a reason.' There are lots of things that happen in life, that go unexplained. So, we have a lot to be thankful about. Enjoy your dreams guys. Deep sleep is something that I love, especially when you dream about meaningful things.


Cherish our dreams. And for those in which your dreams predict the future, occur a lot, I admire that. You guys truly are gifted. Science can't explaiin everything, so just keep it in your hearts and smile for the fact that you guys are the special exception to the rule.

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That used to happen to me when I was younger. Alot of psychics relax and meditate to do their psychic readings. They go into a alpha state which means that their brainwaves slow down. I think you must go into the alpha state while your asleep and maybe thats why your seeing the future in your dreams. It might not be such a bad thing because you could warn someone if you dream something bad will happen to them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OMG so funny I believe that nothing in life happens as a coincedence. I was just talking to my son and he asked me if I ever dream something and then it really happens to you.


I told him that ya it happens all the time and not to be freaked out by it. I told him he was just like mom and its ok.


Although I do believe that some are "gifted" and some aren't I think that a lof of people just don't talk about it.


I remember dreams from when I was like 10 years old and now I am 29. The ones I remember most are the reoccurring ones or ones that really stood out. I think we can "see" the future in our sleep cause we are truly free there and our minds can run and run with no boundries.


Sometimes when I am stopped in my tracks and I KNOW that I have been in this exact moment, place, feeling in time before I know that it is something special. Some people call it deja vu but I think it is something greater than that.


I used to think I was so special when it happened, but now I just live in the moment it happens and smile. It is really cool!


Just last week a client came into the office and she was giving up a baby for adoption. I work in a family law office. She came to sign papers. after she left I had a long deja vu. I had dreamt that exact moment, feeling, event years ago and I sat there for a minute living in it. It was so weird! Then the feeling started to fade it was gone.


This happens all the time if you have an open mind and listen to your intuition and what your mind and body is telling you.


Its way cool!


Wish you the best, dream big.



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Very interesting topic...I have had a lot of deja vu...not recently that I can recall....Except the other day I was walking out of my office to my car and I had a song stuck in my head....I know I hadn't heard it in a long long time, and I have no clue how it got into my head...Well anyways I'm singing it to myself and I get into my truck and for some reason flip over to the radio from a cd (which I listen to 95% of the time I'm driving) and change the station (one I never listen to) and bam...it's the song I'm thinking of...it's not a well played song by any means...it was really weird...

About the dreams or pyshic abilities does anyone know how a person can go about developing their abilities? Kinda funny this morning on the way into work the talk show had a pyshic on and a 9 year old called in wondering about seeing dead relatives and other dreams...and the guy said your lucky...


I've asked the question before on here about dreams...I have dreams every now and then where my ex and I are hanging out having a great time, and at least once but I think more she stares into my eyes for the longest time and I get a really warm comfortable feeling and she says "don't worry we'll be together" and I'm always wondering....

1) is it my mind telling me what I want to hear

2) is it God telling me what will be

3)is it some sort of vision of the future

4) am I sub-consciously picking up on things she's feeling or saying to me?

5) does just not mean a thing?

Any thoughts on that sort of thing? I've dream other things that sort of came true, but wrote it off as coincidence just because they were things that normally happen...

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A friend of mine a while ago used to have that happen to us all the time we called it Cosmic Jukebox...


Ya it's cool allright and as far as controlling or advancing it I don't think it can be. I just think to keep an open mind and recognize it is all we can do.


There is a pattern to life and everything happens in life for a reason, somtimes we might not like the reason.


As far as dreams i really think that some are precognitive and some are just our subconscience cleansing itself of our guilts, wishes, thoughts, etc.... that one is confusing.. go with your gut.


Maybe your dream of your ex is reoccurring cause thats what you want more than anything.


Wish you the best.



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