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my boy friend seams to be ok with me cutting is that ok ??

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Well its not that he is ok with your cutting. He's just trying to be supportive of you since you DO cut. There is a difference. He's trying to show you that he loves you and is there for you regardless of what happens.


It wouldn't help you if he yelled at you, or said "If you cut, I'm leaving you" or something like that. So he's trying to take care of you instead.


Sounds like you have a pretty good guy there.



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I agree with avman, your bf is probably genuinely concerned. I don't think he is okay with it, and you certainly shouldn't be okay with is since what you're doing is very dangerous. Please talk to an adult whom you trust about what you've been doing.

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I agree with what the others have said.. He's not okay with it.. But you know very well that if he would yell at you, threaten to leave and so on it would just make things worse, right?

Just look at it like that.

I know my ex didn't like me being a cutter but what else could he do besides just be supportive.. If he would've been all up in my case it would definitely trigger me to do it alot more...

Be glad that you have a bf who accepts you for you and doesn't rag on you for the things you are doing.


-Mythical Suicide-

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i agree with avman and tinkerbell that he is concerned. i just think he might be scared and shocked to see someone do that. i cut myslef too so i know how you feel. me and my ex- girlfriend used to cut together now me and a girl im just friends with are trying to quit together i really think you should try to quit good luck

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  • 3 weeks later...

thats obviously not good... if ur b/f really cared he wouldnt let u hurt urself. y woul dhe allow that! its rediculous... sorry 2 break it 2 u, but if he lets u hurt urself, knowing it... HE DOESNT LOVE YOU! that should be a red flag that he doesnt... u should talk 2 him n b like... y r u so ok w me doing this..

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muchokisses... what you posted isn't true

Obviously you know nothing about anyone who cuts.. Her bf is just being supportive.. If he was to rag on her and completely make a big deal about it, It would just trigger her to cut more and possibly try other things.

So check ur facts before you make the judgement that her bf doesn't care.


-Mythical Suicide-

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey i cut too, i don't like when my boyfriend looks at my cuts. but he does. he really cares about me. your boyfriend is probably just trying to be understanding. but he would most likely try to help you out. when ever i cut he cuts. it makes me sad to see him cut himself just because i did. just talk to him and if u dont like it just say your uncomfortable with it. you can talk to me more later just email me or anything

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not agreeing with muchokisses69. I agree with the others. He is being supportive. It just doesn't make sense what mucho said. He may love you but doesn't want to upset you by telling you that you need to stop. And what the others have said. Maybe he is curious, wants to make sure they aren't deep, wants to see if they are clean. I know my ex-boyfriend and I broke up over my cutting. He found out by one of friends(who I'm not friends with anymore). That friend found out at lunch one day, saw my arm and started screaming at me right then and there. Then he freaked out and was so distant. Then one day he walked up and said it's over. And the reason he gave was because I cut. So, I think your boyfriend is being very supportive in this. He may also understand that it's not easy to stop. And that you will stop when you are ready to stop. I hope this helps. Pm me if you would like. Or AIM. AIM is Peregrim Took. I wish you the best of luck.

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