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I have troubles that limit me from knowing anything

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All my life i have a had been picked on and been told that i am bad at certain things like even things i am good at and know im good at but people put me down and make me believe those things.I know u guys have all had that i mean the constant things that some friends say that r just mean but u dont get why they say those things?Like even my best friend says certain mean things that bother me a lot but i dont even know if he thinks i take it as a joke.Like my one friend said for fun when we needed money o maybe we can sell u on the streets for your good looks and my other best friend said "thats a good one" in a very sarcistic like he meant it way.And then like i know i have plenty of friends and then like when i was aroudn this other friend he said something and the i said well all my other friends think this and then he said what friends and that make sme feel low.All these things build up to even being around girls.My friend talks to me about his intimate times with girls and how nice its been being with them i mean doesnt he know that i havent been with any and it makes me feel bad.Do friends just like to talk to you about those things because they feel like your a dumb ass for not knowing anything about that subject.Im just acomplete moron to girls and dont how they think or anything and prolly dont know how to kiss or anythign since i havent been but iono.I know a lot of this doesnt have anything to do with girlks but its too build up to the point of why i feel the way i do int hat region and thats how it is.I mean how can get more self-esteem and confidence by going out with a girl when imma person so scare dof rejection id prolly kill myself over some embarrassing moment like that i cannot walk up and try to talk to a girl because i feel to ugly and dumb doing so and dont want to take any rejection at all.

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First I would like to say, don't be so hard on yourself. You are only sixteen and the world is still in front of you. You may want to consider a new group of friends. Kidding is one thing, but putting you down all the time is another. If that has been happening to you, then it really can mess with your self esteem. Some people can just be plain mean. Try and learn that when people like that come into your life. Learn to take it with a grain of salt. Just blow it off and don't let it get to you. Don't worry about understanding girls. Like I said you have plenty of time.


Good Luck





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Well, first things first. Distinguish the difference between somone who kids and someone who insults. Jokingly calling someone a name or putting them down can just be guys being guys. I do it with people at work all the time. They know I'm kidding and I know they're kidding. When someone dishes it out, I can give it right back to them and we all know it's just good fun. However, people your age sometimes razz their peers a little more seriously, basially because they're insecure and it helps them feel a little better about themselves. 16 is a tough age and kids can do pretty stupid, hurtful things becuase they are unsure of themselves and they don't know how to handle it. As for being inexperienced with girls, it doesn't happen for a lot of us until college or, sometimes, even after so don't let that get to you. Believe me, when you get involved with girls, there are many times you're going to wonder why you didn't just stay single and hang out with your guy friends instead.


Second, you said yourself you know you're good at things. Focus on these skills and hone them. Are you a musician? Find other kids your age who like to play music and start a band. That's what I did in high school and my self confidence soared to heights I never even dreamed of. Are you a good athlete? Try out for school sports or get a group of friends who like to play sports and start your own team or club where you can practice together. Once you focus your time and energy on something you know you're relatively good at, all of you're other problems become obscured by the exhilaration you feel doing something you enjoy.


16 is a tough age for everybody. You just have to find it within yourself to do things that will have a postitive impact on your self -esteem.


Best of luck man!

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Yeah, i agree that they probably do these things to make themselves look better, or lower you down to their level. Perhaps they are jealous of you? From my expeirence this happens all the time. You might wanna tell them to "shut the **** up" or something, or have a go at them.

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You don't need to listen to the folks who tell you you are no good. That is just their spin on life and you need to let them be, they aren't your friend if they just criticize you all the time. It s depressing to be around people who never have a good thing to say, so work on staying busy in the areas that you function well at. Learn new behaviors as they come up.

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  • 4 weeks later...

At sixteen alot of things are going to happen in your life some good some bad. I've always had friends that joked around with me about girls and things of that nature when I was a 16 and I know its hard to ignore them sometimes because it might make you feel useless or like you are just behind everybody in the girl department. You have to realize sometimes people will say things to make themselves look good in the moment, or to make fun of someone who is diffrent wether it be by looks or how they act. I say look twice at your friends make sure there your friends. how do your friends treat you when there not joking with you, are they cool towards you or just kinda brush you off. I'm not saying to not be there friends just make sure there your real friends. Also on the talking to girls and stuff maybe you should find your good quality, what make you a good person. Then you can use it to meet a girl. ex: Im good at drawing, so if I see someone with art on there notebook or folder I might say, nice drawing, or did you draw that which in turn might bring good conversation.

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