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Need Help on this fast!!

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Ok I met up with this girl tonite and we studied for our final...I think everything went well we we're there for about 2 hours and the whole time we both made jokes about the material or teasing each other about knowing the answers to certain questions..she seemed to always look me in the eyes and I did the same..she's got a pretty pair of green ones too!! anyways she kept playing with her hair alot when I was talking to her she actually called me a few mins ago to make sure the time for the final was right and mentioned how she was gonna be studying tomorrow in the libarary before the final if I wanted to come by and I said I would I wanna ask her out to something else but not sure how or if she really seems to like me..I mean we each have each others phone numbers so thats a good start I guess...Thanks for any advice



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you're already moving, so keep on going. just pop a casual question when you're at the library, like, "after the finals, would you like to unwind, and catch together?" or something equivalent.


in the meanwhile, just keep chatting, just keep meeting up for studies. studying together is a great way to keep in touch. text messages of encouragement just before the exam is also a useful touch.

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She probaly likes you. When a girl plays with her hair that is almost a certain clue that they like you. When people are nervous they tend to fidget a lot, and people tend to be nervous around people they like.


Like Russia said ask her out somewhere afterwards. If it were me I'd invite her to dinner and then go watch a movie at my place, going to see a movie at a theater is a great idea, but I always find it hard to get closer with her and its hard to make a move at the theater because I seem to always be worried about screwing up and embarssing myself infront of more than just her. If I'm at home and screw up I can turn it around into a joke and not feel so embarrsed.

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You are definitely going in the right direction ... for me if she has my phone number and I have hers, 75% of the introduction to dating is done.. that 25% is you and how and where you're gonna ask her out. so it is up to you. they give pretty good tips on where you can take her to... so I don't need to mention that..


GO get her tiger


Best of Luck




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