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Here's the story


This girl that im invovled with and i have a long distance relationship. The thing is it's not that far(about 30-45 min away). Things were going great. She told me she loved me, and i did the same. However, she told me one day that she thought we were moving too fast and she needed to see other people. The thing is, i found out that she said that because a boy at her school asked her out. She said that she still wants to talk to me, but how can i when shes going out with another guy? I wish i could but i feel like she'll lose her feelings for me and i'll become "the friend" to her instead of the boyfriend. I love her and i dont want to lose her. I told her that when I get my liscence, in like less then a month, that i'd come see her as much as possible. But she still thinks it wouldnt work because she had a LDR before that didnt work. If she loves me then why wont she try and make it work?


I dont know what she's thinking and i dont know what to do. I dont want to lose her.


I dont want to hear that I'm too young to have a LDR but there's no one else for me. So if anyone has any useful advice please tell me!



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hi Stupid4Her,

sorry to hear about you problems. i actually have a fear of that happening to me. im goin to be moving soon. and it'll be an hour and a half away from my bf. im only 14, going on 15 so it'll be a while till we could see each other. im woried so much but i think i can help you, even though i cant relate very well.

i think you should ask her how she feels. it won't hurt what you may or may not have, if she loves you she'll tell you happily, if she doesnt, then she'll tell you that. it may hurt, but then you'll know that you can move on.

she may seem like "all that" but i felt like that about a guy a while back too. i moved on and now i'm soo much happier than i probably ever could with that other guy. i hope it all works out. ttyl. bye.

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I have asked her if she was lying to me when she said she loved me and she keeps insisting that she wasnt (this was only like two days ago). I dont get why she wants to be with other guys when she loves me. Shouldnt she just want to be with me? I just want to be with her. I know i must be sounding pretty stupid talking about how much i love her and how i dont get how she could do this to me, but i NEED to know!


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