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Skin Improvements

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Hey all,


I am having an issue with my face. It has been looking quite dull these days. I have fair skin and it is a bit sensitive.I am looking for ways to help brighten up my face, get rid of black heads, and also get rid of these little bumps I have on my forehead. I think they are either a slight excema patch or just really dry skin. Right now I am using Oil of Olay daily cleanser and a moisturizer with SPF 15. They are for all skin types. I would love suggestions on good cleansers/moisturizers or even home remedies.


Also when it comes to foundation, I don't wear it now but wanted to start, my only issue is that I have really red cheeks and I was wondering if you would know of a good foundation to work with for that?


Also if ideas could be on the cheaper side of the $ that would be even better!!!!!




BTW I am in Canada

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First, wash your face and hands.


Then fill a sink full of really really hot water, as close to boiling as you can get it. Take a damp cloth and cover your face over the water, letting as much steam hit your face as possible. (don't put your face _in_ the water, just over it.) after a couple minutes, your pores should be fairly relaxed.


Then, take two cotton balls and GENTLY squeeze out the blackheads. You shouldn't have to apply significant pressure if you've steamed your face long enough. Also, don't worry about getting every single blackhead completely out. That would do more damage than good... just focus on getting out whatever comes easily.


After you're through with the fun, let in a bit more steam, wash your face thoroughly to avoid infection, exfoliate really really gently, and then splash it with cold water to close up the pores.


Let your skin dry completely, and then put on some moisturizer.



As for the bumps, maybe it is a reaction to something in your shampoo?

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With what you're experiencing I'd recommend two things to add to your routine: a gentle exfoliant, and a face mask.


1. Your skin may be dull and have little bumps because of pores clogged by dead skin cells. The easiest way to find out if this is the case is to buy a microfibre cloth (very inexpensive and gentle) which is a face cloth you can buy in any supermarket or drug store, and while your skin is wet (during a warm shower to open up your pores and soften the dead cells) gently rub the cloth in circles all over your face. If this helps clear up your skin somewhat, we'd find a still gentle but stronger exfoliant to use once or twice a week.


2. Blackheads can be manually taken out in the way generaldiscord explained - by steaming your face and then extracting them. Normally you should do this after exfoliating so that your blackheads are at the surface and easy to extract.


What I prefer is to use a facial mask. I use a natural clay mask, mix a little water, spread over my face and leave it on for 30 minutes. Then I go shower as normal and wash it off. Clays I like to use are Glacial clay, bentonite clay and kaolin clay. Using a natural clay is gentle on skin with eczema.

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