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Ugh.. the pain..

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So obviously, being the crazy jealous insecure person I am, I confronted my ex about the picture of the model on his Facebook, while we were trying to be friends. He had a good explanation for it... AFTER I freaked out. And he wants nothing to do with me anymore.


I realized that I'm not ready to repair our relationship, as much as I want to be. I have too many problems of my own. I asked him if I could still come over Sunday to talk (we have to see each other anyway, and we planned to hang out after), and he said that it probably wasn't a good idea and he would have to think about it. I told him to forget it, because he obviously didn't care. He said he couldn't handle my constant negativity and to text him tomorrow with a different attitude. I said I wasn't texting him anymore, because I'm obviously not important. His last response was "did I say that? text me tomorrow".


I'm not. I'm tired of chasing him when it's clear that there's no point. I'm tired of setting myself back. I've been in a ridiculous amount of pain all day yesterday and today. I want to so badly go over to his house Sunday but it's not going to happen. I feel so pathetic, worthless, and hurt. I hate that I have to see him Sunday now.. I'm probably gonna cry my eyes out.


I'm in so much pain..

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okay, gotta say that it sounds like he really does love you and wishes that you would just stop and start to trust him. If you need some time to work on you, text him with that, and maybe even a sorry. It really does sound like he still wants to be with you or atleast be friends with you. Do you really want to not want to see him and be uncomfortable? you should atleast make the effort on a friendship level.

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He doesn't love me. He told me I've hurt him so much that it's not the same. And I don't think he wants to be friends with me in my state right now.. today he was very busy and we were talking around noon.. he said that he would talk to me later tonight. He never did, I talked to him first.


He just doesn't care anymore, and rightfully so because every time he gives me a chance to prove him wrong, I don't.

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