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getting your tongue pierced. i need some advice or info.

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okay so like three days ago i got my tongue pierced and it didn't hurt getting it done but now it hurts like a lot. well i was just wondering if anyone here has ever gotten that done. if you did how long was it swollen? and what things did you do to make it feel better. it was odd talking for the first 2 days but i got that down pretty good now, the only thing is it hurts like hell. and it doesn't seem like the swelling is going down much. anyway i also was wondering if it was normal for it to bleed and that whit crap with it. only a tiny tiny bit though. i mean TINY AMOUNTS. and just every now and then. well replys are needed and thank you for reading.


love Qtpie87

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yeah it most likely will. its cool though. i knew that it would end up hurting. my big sister and my uncle both had one and they both ended up taking them out because they said it hurt so bad, but they are babies when it comes to that kind of stuff. i atmitt that it hurts like a mother, but i did it and im not going to take it out after how muck i had to save to get it.

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