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shy guy

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All you gotta do is start talking to them..just go up to one and start talk about something you two do together..like class for instance..ask something like hey did u get the notes from such and such class or whatever.. I am still shy myself but lately it's starting to go away the more you talk to people

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Like the previous person said, dont be afraid, show no fear. Be confident and talk to the woman you wish to go out with. There are so many out there, that If she's not interested, think to yourself...NEXT!


If she cant except you for who you are, she aint good enough for you. Its as simple as that. I have been through so much BS, I almost dont want to ask any woman out, but that just wouldn't be in my nature. I have too LOL. Gotta find that perfect one, that soulmate. It could take a while, but youll find her. I think the best thing is to KEEP eye contact at all times with the woman and smile at her and listen and reply with brains. Even act a little. Who cares, If she dont like you, NEXT! If she replies and keeps on talking, compliment her on her hair, her smile and keep going.. dont stop, eye contact!


Im a shy guy too, but this works man. I throw the shy in me out the window and I go for it. Even one beer then a piece of gum will do it!


Good luck man!



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Getting rid of your shyness will come with experience. It'll be replaced confidence and you'll look back and say, "man, I don't know why I was so afraid".


Keep agendas out ouf your head. You're probably thinking steps ahead. You're probably trying to figure out how to get this girl to go out with you. Why? You haven't said hello yet. Don't you want to see what type of person she is first? If you're just going on looks, you've got a different problem. Also don't think of her as this pretty girl. She's just another person. So go up to her and do something like, make a comment on how full the gym is that you're in together, if you're in a grocery store, comment on how rediculous the gas prices are now if you see her pumping gas next to you. That stuff will get it started. Then say, "by the way, my name is... what's yours?" DON'T USE LINES!!!



If you guys hit it off, congrats. Get her #. In case you wanna know, say something like, "I really like talking to you. I'd like to give you a call and continue our conversation. What's your phone number?" Or you could give her yours.


Later on the phone, you could ask her out. Say something like, "I'd really like to see you again. Let's meet for coffee. Are you available on ..." Or find an activity you share an interest in during the conversation and replace "coffee" with that activity. Whatever you want.


If your date goes well and you go on quite a few more and you guys fall in love. You can ask her to marry you. I'm not at that stage. I don't even want to attempt a sample proposal for you hehehehe.



Good Luck to you.

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hey! currently i have a crush on a guy who's shy, so i have a few suggestions about how you could approach a girl. try to say hi to her and look glad to see her. i like it when a guy initiates the conversation, although it's not always necessary. when having a conversation, don't give one-word answers, and just relax so it will be easier to talk. third, smile at her and just talk about whatever's on your mind. hope this helps!


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