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Need some help from the ladies please

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As of right now, I feel down. I do not know why really.

You see, I've been seing this woman from work for the last 2 weeks now.

Now I know this isn't a long time, but I cannot help but think about her all the time. We've been working at the same place for the last 3 years now, and just recently I found out she was interested in seeing me. I can honestly say she got my attention because I always found her interesting and my type. I hope I don't sound like some teenager fresh outta high school here, but that's cuz I moved to another province soon after graduating and haven't date much since then. Once or twice. Anyways...


Our first date when so great, we had a darn good time. I went to see her at her place 2 days later after she finished working to surprise her. She seemed happy to see me. Then she came over Sunday, I made her supper and we talked about many many things, It went well, at least I think it did.


Now here's why I'm feeling a little down, I called her today to ask her If she would like some company tonight after work and she replied, Not tonight, or the rest of the week. Her best friend is pregnant and will have her child any time now, she added that to her explanation as to why she didn't want too see me. She also mentioned about me talking to her roommate on the net last night with my friend thats in army for about two hours. I do not know why but I get this gut feeling she's mad at me, or annoyed because of this. Her roommate and I are co-workers too, but there's nothing there. Do you think she could be mad at me? or annoyed?


I'm thinking she just wants some space, but like I said earlier, I really really like her, and called her just to let her know Im thinking of her. Am I moving too fast? See this is where I F'up with woman all the time. And It gets me so down, so disapointed that I cannot think about anything else but what just happened.


Please help me out, ask me anything that you want to know to help me out better, because withought help I feel I'm going to screw this all up again. How would you feel in her situation? What would you want me to do? It could be I just don't understand woman.. I really don't know.


Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.



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Perhaps you should listen to your gut feelings about this. Maybe you pushed the wrong buttons by chatting with her roommate? It could be a jelousy thing.

I suggest that you leave her alone for a couple of days...or for the rest of the week like she asked. Then call her again to say hello maybe mid-week.


Try not to be too pushy. I personally hate it when a guy is too pushy about hanging out when I have other things on the go. I feel like I'm being forced to hang out with this person when I don't really want to. It makes me feel like added responsibility...best way I can explain it.

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I'm a guy, but it sounds like one of those cases where she wants you to ask "are you alright? is something wrong?" a dozen times before she can go off about it. Been there, done that. There's probably nothing for her to be mad at you about, and if she is over that little thing, maybe you're better off without her. Sorry ... I just know how draining it is when you get into something that requires you to go "are you ok? what's wrong?" a dozen times. She's probably insecure and maybe had bad relationships in the past that cause her to react that way. I mean, if you didn't tell that room-mate on the net you wanted to spank it, you've done nothing wrong. It seems strangely possessive to start acting weird about her. Maybe she's too much your type, you know. I'm saying that cause I realized after a long relationship that I need a lady with a kinda bubbly personality, which is quite different from myself. Anyway, pick yourself up. There's really nothing you can do about it, and you've done nothing wrong, so keep that chin up.

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Perhaps you should listen to your gut feelings about this. Maybe you pushed the wrong buttons by chatting with her roommate? It could be a jelousy thing.

I suggest that you leave her alone for a couple of days...or for the rest of the week like she asked. Then call her again to say hello maybe mid-week.


Try not to be too pushy. I personally hate it when a guy is too pushy about hanging out when I have other things on the go. I feel like I'm being forced to hang out with this person when I don't really want to. It makes me feel like added responsibility...best way I can explain it.



Should I just wait and let her come too me or call me? or should it be me that should go to her next week? You see, we will see each other at work, but I'm pretty sure I will leave her be. She already explained to me that what goes on between us stays out of the workplace and I can understand that 100%. I dont want everone at work to know things like this either. What I dont like tough is that there are some people that know about us, because she got someone she knows to tell me she liked me, this was done at work. Im worried about this.


I will just have to play it cool, and give her space. I just hope you can understand it isn't easy when you like someone and you see her but can't act like it. I do not want to push her, I think I know thats probly what I did, but I will have to talk to her about this next week to say Im sorry, and that I will take it easy and calm down. We got lots of time. Anyways thank you Tiger lilies.



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yes, wait for her to call you no matter how much it eats at you. She liked you from the beginning, remember? And just cuz she gets mad at you doesn't mean that she doens't like you. Wait about a week and a half and see if she calls you and then you can talk about it. But if she doesn't call you by then, call her! And make sure you two talk about that situation before you get off the phone. Don't let her avoid it either. If she tries to avoid it and there is absolutely not budging her then just let it go and leave her alone. Act like everything is fine, maybe even let her see you hanging out with another chick but don't make it seem like you are dating her or anything. Unless ofcourse she one of those "i don't care" type women. Then that won't work.



~Camaro Joe

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Well, I was told she hasn't dated much, or had many boyfriends for that matter, and towards asking If she's ok or alright... I think it's more she wants a little space this week to think, then sometime next week she'll want to talk things over. Towards beeing possessive.. hehe, not really, I just like her thats all. She's cool, and I liked it being with her thats all. Like I said earlier, I just need to slow down, put it back into first gear, and have a chat with her one day about us having lots of time. One thing I do not want to do is give up on her so easily. If we talk and I see we're better off as friends, then so be it, but If we could have a chance, I will try.


Towards talking to her friend/roommate, lol no there was no "spank it" kinda thing going on. That's funny. umm.. It was one of those things were they both gaveme their MSN Nicknames and she just happened to come on while I was surfing and I decided to say hello and we talked for a little bit. I voiced/cammed it, she saw me and listened as she typed, thats all it was.

Maybe, could she be pissed that I was talking to her roommate while she was at work? I hope it's not jealousy. Oh man wouldn't that be a headache. Anyways, thanks or the reply.

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Quite interesting I must say. Yes she did like me from the beginning. You can bet on it that I will call her, but I will give her space. Like I said earlier, I work with her, and will see her, probably constantly.. What would you do in this situation? Say only Hi, and leave her be and just get to work and act like nothing is bothering me? God knows I've done this already and the woman barely speaks to me, and that is the LAST THING I want.

ummm... towards hangin with another woman around her, that would seal our fate im sure. It would be over. I know this much about her. I wouldn't go there. I'll just leave her be and wait. Thanks for the reply.



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