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The truth is out

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Hey i would just to share my thoughts and concerns about truth and lies and i guess what i would like to ask is there any advantage to saying what you mean anymore?.Ok you may be a bit surprised taken aback to why im asking this question but it bothers me you know.


The way i view society in general now is that people are afraid to speak there mind so to speak and communicate how they really feel.It concerns me that other people, especially high up in society politicians for example fabricate the truth...and to hide the true motives of there actions and descions.In a recent poll participants were asked to keep diaries of their socal interactions every one of 147 participants lied, and three quarters of their lies were self serving designed to avoid embarresement enchance status or avoid conflict.


When i read this it concerned and worried me.I mean where is society going to at the moment?.Carnt people just be themselves.Ok you may have this thought in your head ...who the hell is woopsydaisy hasnt he ever told a lie course i have, but i payed the price and felt guilty for it and i try ever so hard not to lie, and this can land me in some situations believe me .But what concerns me is how people continue to lie to gain advantage over others..and are people really afraid to be themselves and exspress how they feel.


Ok we all know that lying is wrong and leads us into trouble..but if you turn it round people can take offence when you speak your mind and be honest..there is that old saying, the truth hurts..but i personally believe in not lying and just to try and be myself, to me it saves a hell of a lot of hassle and heartbreak.But theres time when i question this ..times like now.


So are there any views on this subject?...does anyone understand my concerns?...or is it just me with a deranged view of reality?

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You are right, we live in a world where polishing of the truth is common. This is of course a problem if we believe the lies but if we don't its not so bad. Advertisisng is based on a skewed view of reality as is politics. But also history, opinion and feelings.

If we all told the whole truth just the truth and nothing but the truth it might be a better world but it could be a little bald.

In relationships you should tell the truth as you experience it. It may be vastly different to the other persons but that helps understanding.

I havent got a definitive answer for this, and for that I express regret. But this is a fascinataing topic.

With love


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Hey thanks for the reply.....its just a little frustrating sometimes when people go on about things : and that and try to make themselves something they arnt and they stretch the truth to the max...i know what you mean about the world being a better place if a little bould..but i mean so what ..so what if it is going to be a bit bould isnt it worth that risk.?....im sounding like a hippy now!! .

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