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Fleshlight question.


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Well, yeah, of course.


1.) You can't put a woman in the dishwasher.

2.) Women don't have swappable accessories.

3.) It doesn't want to talk about feelings or expect you to pay for dinner.

4.) You can't get a fleshlight pregnant.

5.) You can't catch an STD from a fleshlight.

6.) You don't have to give the fleshlight an orgasm. And it never asks you to hurry up.

7.) A fleshlight is never not in the mood.

8.) A fleshlight is happy to wait until AFTER the game for you to pay some attention to it.

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Fake reviews posted on the websites and forums of product manufacturers have been around since Al Gore invented the internet.


You don't know for sure if that is a fake review and you can't dismiss all of the threads and posts on there as fake. The preponderance of evidence is, while a FL is not a woman, it is very close to an actual vagina when it is warm and lubed, and that is from people who actually have experienced a woman. This product is supposed to help with 'death-grip syndrome' (stimulation by hand and not by insertion into vaginal orifice). This is why I bought it.

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That's fine because there the two top concerns:


1) Is the product realistic compared to a real vagina. (i.e. and thus make you a technical virgin if you use it since you have some experience inserting you private into a fake vagina).




2) Can it help one be more prepared when they actually insert to a real vagina and have a theraputic premise.


...are what I believe is relevant to this thread. Using a fleshlight doesn't make you more social if you don't like talking or being around people, and in particularly women you are attracted to. Fair enough.


I personally have to see what correlations are around when I'm using the FL on someone I'm thinking about because that's coming more from a "Secret", or if you visualise or think about something hard enough (i.e. fantasize), then maybe it may come to pass.


However, this is a concept that is talked about all over the place. When you are using a FL or visualizing on a girl, then you are applying principles of visualization, frequency, or thinking about something that you want, and how the subconcious mind creates realities that you are thinking about.


That's another debate entirely -- but that's the point I was making on that thread.

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A sex toy is not a real, live, breathing woman with emotions, feelings, and sexuality (to name only a few of the most obvious differences). How you perform with a toy has no bearing on what will happen when you're in bed with a woman.


Again, nobody is saying that this sex toy is a woman. I think what fantasies I may construct in my mind, without the assistance of porn, has to be realistic or strong enough for me to be able to use a FL to completion, otherwise, once it clicks it is a cold dead sex toy, you will lose your erection and throw it off.


Some of what I've read about people's experiences about having penetrative sex sounds similar to some of the sexual fantasies. So, it's a question of whether your imagination can create a real, live, breating woman with emotions, sexuality, etc... inside your own mind based on imputs from what would be known about woman's sexuality. Does the human mind have the capability of creating a holo-deck like in Star Trek if it really wants to? Are some dreams or nightmares realistic enough that you actually went somewhere?


I remember on one fantasy, the girl had a squirmish look on her face and her breasts were bouncing up and down when she was being penetrated on a cow-girl position. I don't know about "squirmish faces" -- but that came up in imagination.


At the end of the day, it is not the FL, it is what is in your head, and how accurate the imagery is enough to sustain an erection -- without the use of any porn.

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I checked that site. I did a search and found a few threads about the fleshlite.


Usual posts about some guys liking it more than just using their hands.


Nothing about how a fleshlite compares to a real woman.


Got a link to the thread?

The showdown was more of a joke, in much the same vein as the list that Hex started and I added to.

Warning - link contains foul language, so don't go there if you're gonna get upset about that. link removed

That said, I'd agree with most of that post.

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In some ways it's better, and in some ways it's worse.


Similarly, I imagine that dildos and vibrators are better in some ways than men, and worse in other ways.




I'd take the real thing over a fake hole any day.


And I'm just talking about from a sex perspective.

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I'd take the real thing over a fake hole any day.


And I'm just talking about from a sex perspective.

Jonny, you have no experience with either. And I'm guessing donders has no experience with a fleshlight. And Luke has no experience with a woman, IIRC.


I have experience with both, and a fleshlight is better in some ways (see the link in my prior post). That said, it's not like I'd stop pursuing women in favor of a fake vagina. At the same time, I wouldn't get rid of the fleshlight just b/c I was in a relationship.


Again, it's pretty analogous to dildos and vibrators for women. They serve their purpose, and do so well, but are not replacements for a real person.

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In a forum mostly filled with adolescent boys and adult males who suffer from shyness, low self esteem and a general lack of success with woman, are posts such as this one.


People from all walks of life use this product, including married people.


This extremely long and detailed post goes on and on about how good the fleshlite is and its various uses. It's not only favoring the fleshlite it's instructing on it's usage and various applications.


Right, but you can't conclusively prove it is a fake post beyond a shadow of a doubt.


The post is extremely well written with a complete lack of grammatical and spelling errors.


The writer made this one post, almost 4 months ago, and never returned to the forum to post again.


Think about it.


So, someone made a testimonial about the product. Nobody is forcing anyone to make posts there.


You make a very good point, but not 100% sure.

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People from all walks of life use this product, including married people.




Right, but you can't conclusively prove it is a fake post beyond a shadow of a doubt.




So, someone made a testimonial about the product. Nobody is forcing anyone to make posts there.


You make a very good point, but not 100% sure.



Logically, your supposition is sound. Now, take it the next step into intuition.

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Jonny, you have no experience with either. And I'm guessing donders has no experience with a fleshlight. And Luke has no experience with a woman, IIRC.


I have experience with both, and a fleshlight is better in some ways (see the link in my prior post). That said, it's not like I'd stop pursuing women in favor of a fake vagina. At the same time, I wouldn't get rid of the fleshlight just b/c I was in a relationship.


Again, it's pretty analogous to dildos and vibrators for women. They serve their purpose, and do so well, but are not replacements for a real person.


In your last post? I read what the person said in the link and I didn't get much from it when it cames to it being better in same ways.


Other than maybe it being really tight, I don't see what was said that would make it better.


Tho I guess if some were use to a tight grip. And I won't deny that I do employ the death grip when masturbating. But other than that, what would be so better?

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In your last post? I read what the person said in the link and I didn't get much from it when it cames to it being better in same ways.


Other than maybe it being really tight, I don't see what was said that would make it better.


Tho I guess if some were use to a tight grip. And I won't deny that I do employ the death grip when masturbating. But other than that, what would be so better?

Fleshlights are not death grip tight. In terms of physical pleasure, the advantage it has over a real vagina is that you can focus 100% on your own pleasure, which is hard to do when you're with another person.

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I'm not seeing an advantage there.


There are many sexual acts where a person is getting 100% satisfaction.


One obvious example being oral sex.


Nothing beats that.




And when I'm screwing a woman, it's 100% satisfying to me. Not sure why it would be considered to be anything less.

You have totally missed my point - I'm not talking about whether I'm satisfied or not, I'm talking about where and how concentrated my focus is. Look, I'm not trying to sell you on one. You can live just fine w/o a fleshlight. Just don't knock it until you've tried it.

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