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girl that I like is going back with EX

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well i've been talking to this girl for over a year now and everything went fine,where she'd respond right away and was open with topics asked while talking online. recently I've noticed she's stopped talking to me once I'd send a message. that she's away at college..I only talk to her online. anyway I thought it was weird where it went from her talking to me back almost everytime to nothing at all for awhile now.


well,not from her but I found out that she's going back with her ex b/f once the college semester is over,so instead of the silent treatment..why can't she just come out and tell me whats going on. need some advice here from people that have been thru this or anyone that can help anyway ..thanks

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im sorry to hear that, i know what ur going through, i am going through almost the same thing. I was talking to this one girl for about 2 years, and we got really close last year and i was almost positive shel liked me, she even asked ME out a 3 times, but every time she did she canceld or just wasnt there when i called her to go out. After about october of last year she changed or something, and it feels diffrent between us, its like shes not trying to get with me anymore, when i see her and i pretend not to see her she doesnt go up to me anymore to talk, she used to always bump me or run her hands through my hair and grab my butt and stuff but she stopped doing that. It sucks now and i feel like we broke up even though we were never together.


All i can say is dont do what i did and just let her go, without a fight.

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