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Miracle DO happen...read this if you need hope

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Hey people...I just want to let you know that a miracle just occurred.


My ex and I went through a very bitter and HOSTILE breakup almost three months ago. We were not on speaking terms at all and she was doing everything to avoid me. There was absolutely NO WAY she was going to talk to me again.


Now, we are on very friendly terms, we call, e-mail, and chat with each other, and she has even invited me to diner.


If you want to know how to make a miracle happen, here's where I got the advice:


By the book 'How to Get Your Lover Back' by Blaise Harris. You can find it on Amazon. It even works for the most bitter ex-girlfriends, even those who swore to never speak to you again. Even if they are no longer in love with you, there are ways to turn the tables in your favor, even in the most desperate of situations.


I was so desperate that I bought this book....however, you need to read it COMPLETELY. Don't just read the first half and put it away. If you really want a chance at saving your relationship, you have nothing to lose by trying.


I will let you know in a few weeks how things are going. As of now, my ex and I are only friends. We will have coffee and lunch soon, which is a major improvement after she told me that she had nothing in common with me anymore, was ignoring me, avoiding me, hating me, even seeking revenge.


I just want to help people because I've been reading these boards, and I'm pretty sad after reading all of these depressing posts. NEVER GIVE UP HOPE!!!

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Well it's hard to resume 200 pages in a few lines. Basically, if you're a girl, what you have to do is try to keep contact with cards, e-mails, use every opportunity (birthdays, Christmas, etc.) to let him know that you care.


Eventually, it may take months, you will meet him. Look your best. If you have a couple extra pounds, loose it. Look sexy for him. Make sure that he has a positive experience, and above all, NEVER look sad or desperate when you see him. Don't bring up the relationship. Instead just focus on having a good time and look sexy. Actually, if you do, it would be hard for me to turn you down on a date! Why don't you switch to a guy like me instead?

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well, my ex contact me last week and we hung out and he wanted to be friends. Our conversation was light and airy, but he did bring up the relationship. I really don't want to be friends with him. it hurts me so bad to see him and know that he may be dating other people- he's already on a singles web site. but he begged me to be friend with him. he said eh would give me any amt. of time, he said if you need a month, a few months or year, I just want you to know that I want you in my life as a friend. he broke up w/ me and really wants me as his friend. why? i guess he's lonely right now. and we broke up over something so stupid. but we got really close fast and he's never opnened up to anyone ever not even friends or family like he has with me.


Do I stay friends with him, knowing it hurts me so much or not even give him the benefit and make him miss me so much that he wants me back? what abput the no contact thing?

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