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dunno which girl to choose.........

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Ok.......so i broke up with my old g/f only to find out two other girls like me. One is in 7th and the other in 8th. They are both very, pretty, nice, have nice figures and are somewhat easy for me to talk to. The problem is i'm clueless on which one to go with. Being in 8th grade i found it might be a problem if i went out with someone in a different grade then me because if they were cheating on me i wouldnt know any better. But my other problem is the other girl is ditzy enough to be Jessica Simpsons sister!!

I've thought it over many times and keep thinking that the girl in 7th would be the better deal for me. Soooooo........i decided to post this forum for any people who might have a suggestion.



Thankyou to those who post a suggestion before hand.

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Hi poppy14,


The best advice that i can offer you is to follow your heart. You stop and have a think about which one would be a stable girlfriend and a friend. If you want you could way up the Pros and Cons (Not the best, or original idea... but it works sometimes). Go with what you think is right and what makes you feel happy and that about all the advice i can give.


As i've said in previous posts, that we are only here to provide different or alternative ways that you can aproach your problems. In the end you have to make the choice and you know deep down what's right... go with what makes you feel happy.


Your still young so there's plenty of time to experience everything that being in a relationship can offer and the bumps and scrapes that come as well.


Hope this has helped you in some way, wishing you all the best 8) .


- whitefang

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In my experience, relationships with pretty, nice, "hot", ditzy or stupid girls never last. Theyre fun as far as fooling around and physical stuff, which may very well be all youre interested in, but as far as intellectual, intelligent conversations, they just dont hold up very well.

"Being in 8th grade i found it might be a problem if i went out with someone in a different grade then me because if they were cheating on me i wouldnt know any better"

-A huge part of relationships is trust. Trust is the basis and is a must in relationships. You arent supposed to worry about them cheating on you until you catch them acting strangely or you start to hear stuff, because you wouldnt date someone that you didnt trust, right? Grade doesnt matter, its if you and she both act maturely about it, and honor each other by staying true. And thats something that you need regardless of age or grade. I'd say ditch the ditz, go for the one that can outsmart a rock.

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