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I haven't had the chance to talk with him again

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Hi everyone, beware this is long...


There is this guy at my work that I like. (We work in different departments though). I've been working there for several months now (just weekends). At first we sometimes made eye contact as we walked by each other which was very seldom since we barely ever saw each other. And one time he was talking to a girl in the breakroom and telling her a story, and I smiled at him (because it was funny) and we made eye contact several times while he was talking. Then about 3-4weeks ago I was coming into the breakroom for lunch and I saw him. And he looked up at me and we said hi. Then he said he had a really interesting weekend and asked if I would like to hear his interesting story. I said yes and he went on to tell me the funniest most detailed story ever. And I smiled the whole time (b/c it was really funny). He also kept his eyes on me the whole time. Like when I had to look down to see my spoon, his eyes went down as well. When his break was over (after about 10min) and he was getting up to leave, he asked me twice if I liked his story and I said yes and laughed, then we said bye. Oh and before he asked me if I liked his story he said something like, "wow I was talking for 10 min straight...I was holding in that story the whole day." (We were alone in the breakroom by the way).


The next day I was in the breakroom and he walked by and kindof nodded his head at me and I said hi with a smile. (There was another girl there too who said hi to him then he said hi to her). Then on his way out, he saw those hotsauce things on the table and he said to me something funny like, "I love to eat those things" and then he looked at me and then her. And I kinda smiled then he left. Then stupid me...after a few hours I had to run upstairs for a sec and he was standing at the bottom of the stairs and I just walked/ran right by him (we made eye contact though)--while I had to go pee...lol


But the problem is it's been nearly a month and we haven't spoken since. (Meaning since he told me that story). There hasn't really been the chance too--we never have our breaks at the same time (since I guess our shifts are different). I didn't see him for about two weeks until last Saturday when I was leaving my department for my much-needed break and I saw him at the snackbar from a distance and he had this blank look on his face and I guess he was looking at me. Then we just looked at each other (I also had a blank face I guess) while I walked away. Then the next day as I was coming in for my shift as I was walking by the front to go sign in, I saw him (standing with his back to me at first) and I thought he was looking at me but he wasn't looking at my face. I would have smiled then but because of the latter I couldn't. I don't get it because I was wearing my uniform and you can't see anything. So he was just staring at me (? or something near my chest/lower half/waist area???) as I walked by and when I turned the corner, from the corner of my eye I also saw him turn to look back at me (?) but NEVER my face (ok maybe he looked at my face for about 1 tenth of a millisecond then he was looking kinda downwards the whole time) ???.


So what do you all think of this?

Do you think that if he likes me he will approach me and try to talk to me again. I'm a shy person you see. At least I smiled at his stories that must still mean something to him right?


Another thing I am kind of insecure about the idea of him liking me. I think he is extremely good looking (not a pretty boy though) and myself I am self conscious about my weight. I am 145pounds and about 5"6-7. I guess I appear to be of just normal weight and size. I don't know.


By the way if you read this--thanks because I really needed to get that off my chest (no pun intended...).

So Please give me any thoughts/advice you have on this.

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self conscious of your weight? thats fine. He didn't seem to mind your looks, actually, he seemed quite interested. reading your little background story, I didn't read any where were you might have made him smile / laugh or probably even give him hints your interested. did you? thats the only thing that comes into my mind.

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Now that you mention it, I guess he was the only one making me laugh and smile.

I see your point that perhaps if I wanted him to realize that I liked him I should have done more stuff on my part but this was the first time we really had a conversation.

So for guys, smiling and laughing at your jokes isn't really enough of any kind of hint?

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Well it depends how stupid our jokes are. Ive said some pretty dumb stuff and had girls laughing, that was a tip, but you wont be giving him that kind of major signal by just smiling. I say that times are changing and a guy does not have to make the first move. If I were you i'd ask him if wants to get something to eat or get a cup of cofee some time.

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