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theres this girl in my school, we have been firends for a long while. i have had surgrey on my legs and havent seen her in 9 weeks. im feeling lonley and she means a lot to me. i did somethinking and i am in love wih her. how do i tell her so she will fall for me? any advice?

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You can't "make" someone do anything or feel any particular way. The most anyone can do is to tell a girl how they feel and hope for the best. In your case, it depends a lot on how well you know her and what kind of relationship you already have. If you've just been "good friends" all this while, a sudden declaration of romantic feelings might scare her a little. Start off slowly, by telling her you've missed her and that her friendship means a lot. Some people, even adults, can get embarrassed when someone is that sincere with us, but it will probably mean a great deal to her to hear that. Just let her know her friendship is special to you and give her time to find where her own feelings are. She may never come around, or she may feel the same way as you already, but too often we overlook how important our friends are when we are so focussed on being in love, as if being anything else doesn't count or is only second rate when it isn't.



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