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My ex still acts like we're together!!!

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I need help everyone!!!

Here's my story:

Me and _____ were really close friends. He dated a few of my friends and we always talked on the phone. One day he told me he had a huge crush on me and he really wanted to take it a step futher. It took me a little while, but I started to feel the same and we started to go out. I was seeing him for a month or two, but he was really controlling. He called me all the time, which was okay, but he only called to see what I was doing, and if it was okay by him! Then he would get mad if I went over to a friends house and they happned to be guys! (I have a lot of close guy friends) he even asked some of my close girlfriends if I was romantically involved with anyone else. I dealt with this for a while, because I still had feeling for him, but soon I started just not liking him more and more, and I told him I wanted to brake up, he upset I could tell, and I don't think he understood why it wasn't working. So I told him I just wanted my good close friend back, and we ended right there. So he started calling me again, as a friend, but then he started asking if I was seeing anyone! And he told me if I was he would be "really jealous"! Now I feel like if I DID start up something, I'd have to hide it from him, and he's calling me two, three times a day!

How do I let him know there is no chance of us ever being together again, without hurting him?

I just don't know how to tell him...I've totally moved on, and he needs to too.




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