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Alittle lost...

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Well my girlfriend and I broke up a few days ago... She says that "we don't work well together". Now tonight she tells me that she loves and misses me and she says she doesn't know if what she did is a good idea. Now I love her dearly and I miss her too but I don't want to be just friends(As she wanted us to be.). I know that deep in myself I rather be with her and I don't think I could ever 'truly' be her friend. Now I want her back so what can I do? If I stay in contact and try being her friend to win her back will this work? Or should I just say something like I love you and miss you but I can't be your friend... If you ever change your mind about us call me type thing? Someone, I need your help... She's gonna call me tomorrow cause she needs to think things through. What should I say?



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I kinda said the same thing to my gf.


"I am sorry, but I can't be your friend. Whenever I see you and talk to you, I will do everything in my power to win you back. I am sorry but I am jealous of you... and what kind of friend would I be to you then?"


I am kinda sorry to say that it worked... I have her back. But at the same time, I have to wonder if she wants me back because she wants me in her life... and the only way she could do it was to start dating me again... I just feel bad that perhaps I put her into the position.


I don't really know what to do. I suppose what kind of girl she is. I would just give it straight what you feel and tell her what you think would happen with the whole issue in the end.. would you be closer or more distant?


Its a gamble... and its tough. But I would say, stay strong...



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My mom gave me a great piece of advice when it comes to this sort of thing. The biggest thing that you dont want to do is let on how upset you are. However when shes still says i love you and misses you thats a touchy situation. If you want to get back with her i would go the course of playing hard to get, just keep your cool and act like you're ok with things either way.

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