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My ex is having suicidal thoughts....

Delusional Kisses

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This morning I woke up to 17 twitter updates from my ex. He was talking crazy, not making much sense. He is bi-polar. I have known him 18 years and we started dating last summer, but things ended in early June. I guess I should state that things ended during a manic episode that he was having and he cut me out of his life. That was the second time since we started dating that he did that. I have recently been hearing from him again..just casual chit chat and when I read the twitter updates this morning, I became concerned about him. I texted him early this morning and asked if he was alright. He said "No.". I asked if he wanted to talk about it and he said "No. Its insanity". So I told him that I would listen if he changed his mind and that he could talk to me anytime. His reply was "Too drunk. Gonna die in the next 9 months. No order. Only chaos". He then went on to say that he was at the point that if there was no more him, then there was no more. He was fine with death now. I know he has attempted suicide in the past, most recently in 2005 and he said in his twitter update that he was feeling like he did in 2005. I don't know what to do or what to say. I don't know any of his family and any of his friends that I know are far too shallow and narcissistic to even care. His last text to me said "Me tomorrow = drinks. Today c mean". I'm not even sure what he is trying to say there and he will no longer answer me. ](*,)

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This is a tough situation. I can see why you would be concerned about him. But if he won't even talk to you and you don't know his family or his friends won't be responsive, there is nothing you can do. He needs to help himself. Hopefully his family will catch on that something is wrong (perhaps they will notice his online activity too) and offer their support.

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You are right. He does need to help himself and I guess I shouldn't preoccupy myself with worry when I can't do anything about it, but I can't help but be concerned.


It's perfectly natural to be worried about an ex partner who is depressed and may be a danger to himself. I'm sorry your ex is going through this. I hope he gets the help that he needs.

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