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What does it mean when a girl tells you to forget about her and to get on with you life after she breaks up with you.When she broke up, she said I was to mature for her and that she is still young and wants to finish her youth with friends,etc.Is she trying to tell me that she is not good for me because i feel that I give her to much advice on what is right and what is wrong because of our age difference.I'm 25 and she's 21.She is still immature the way she acts and seems to communicate better with younger friends (17-21)or so.

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She just may not want to be as serious right now as you, and the 2 of you are at differenct levels. Four years doens't make much difference while in the 30's, but at 21, it may. She might also just need some time and space, or you are more mature and may prefer a g/f that's a bit older and more mature. It may also have something to do with her being the older, more mature person in her group of friends that are 17-21...where with you, she doesn't have that going for her. Just a thought.


Hope it works out for you,



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I had two relationships with girls a lot younger than me. One was 16 when I was 21...lasted for two years surprisingly, but then she broke out and wanted to see the world. Especially the male part... Well she always was acting very mature but in the end she wasn't.

Another one I had just now, and so far I am still picking up the remains trying to make it fit again, but I guess it won't. She is 18 I am 25 now...Again, she was acting very mature and told me she was sick of being dumped and wanted serious commitment. When she got it she chickened out and left...

Well, that's the way life goes...

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